Download Encyclopedia of Nuclear Energy by Ehud Greenspan (.PDF)

Encyclopedia of Nuclear Energy by Ehud Greenspan
Requirements: .PDF reader, 134 MB
Overview: Encyclopedia of Nuclear Energy, Four Volume Set provides a comprehensive and reliable overview of the many ways nuclear energy contributes to society. Comprised of four volumes, it includes topics such as generating clean electricity, improving medical diagnostics and cancer treatment, improving crop yields, improving food shelf-lives, and crucially, the deployment of nuclear energy as an alternative energy source, one that is proving to be essential in the management of global warming. Carefully structured into thematic sections, this encyclopedia brings together the vast and highly diversified literature related to nuclear energy into a single resource, with convenient to read, cross-referenced chapters.

This book will serve as an invaluable resource for researchers in the fields of energy, engineering, material science, chemistry, and physics, from both industry and academia.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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