Download Echo of a Curse by R R Ryan (.ePUB)

Echo of a Curse by R R Ryan
Requirements: .ePUB reader., 348kb
Overview: A beastly man of possible supernatural lineage, Vincent’s unnatural bloodlust is aggravated by his experiences in the Great War and he finds it impossible to fit into his domestic situation when he returns home. Fearful that his ghoulish appetites are the expression of a family curse, he exchanges his son at birth for the child of another woman in the hope that it will terminate his blood line. However, years later a stranger takes up residence in their town, arousing suspicions that he is the long-lost son come back for revenge.

First published in 1939, Echo of a Curse is considered to be R R Ryan’s masterpiece of supernatural horror. In this novel a strong influence of H P Lovecraft can be seen to meld with the usual violence and depravity that are the hallmarks of Ryan’s work. Brutal and uncompromising from the very start, Echo of a Curse is unlike anything you’ve ever read before.

Echo of a Curse is one of the fabled “KEW 39”. Originally published in 1983 in “Twilight Zone” magazine, this is is the late writer Karl Edward Wagner’s list of what he considered to be the best (or his favourite, or perhaps those he considered deserving of greater attention) horror novels.

Whether or not you consider it one of the “best” novels of its type, Echo of a Curse is certainly a wildly entertaining example of Between-the-Wars British pulp horror.
Genre: Horror


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