Download Earth Demon by Stormy Glenn (.ePUB)+

Earth Demon by Stormy Glenn (Elemental Demons #3)
Requirements: .ePUB .MOBI Reader , 815KB
Overview: Detective Jackson Aniston was pulled into a world he never knew existed kicking and screaming. Demons were real, and one of them swore they were mates. No matter how handsome or intriguing the Djini warrior was, Jack wasn’t gay. It could never happen, no matter how many times Clagh kissed him.

Clagh had spent hundreds of years doing his duty to Jinnistan and his people. When his fellow warriors found their mates, he began to hope he would be granted the same gift. His Demonas Amaté was a welcome surprise. Now, if he could just get the handsome detective to see that they belonged together.

The threat to Jinnistan is greater than ever. The Shayatin are coming out in greater numbers, attacking indiscriminately. It’s up to Clagh and Jack to find a connection between the rogue demons and a lethal new drug on the streets of both worlds before time run out.
Genre: Romance MM


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