Download Dross Composes the Flesh Adversary V II by Byron Blackwood (.ePUB)

Dross Composes the Flesh: Adversary Volume II by Byron Blackwood
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 414 KB
Overview: There is a Game deep inside another game. This is where I live and fight and struggle to survive. Although I’m facing numerous challenges, my Ultimate Purpose is to kill someone I’ve never met, called the Rival. This requires me to complete three Crucial Quests.
My second Crucial Quest leads to a city cursed with a perpetual storm. Inside this maelstrom, I have to track down a secret that will determine the fate of an empire. Along the way, I have to deal with a renegade prince, a leper, and outsiders who have infiltrated the Game. If I fail this Crucial Quest, the Game is over and so is my life. But if I can find out what it means to Compose the Flesh, I’ll be one more step closer to entering the most dangerous realm of all–a place called the Reality.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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