Download Dominion by (Gods and Slaves #1) Nicholas Bella (.M4A)

Dominion by (Gods and Slaves #1) Nicholas Bella (Narrated by Matt Williams)
Requirements: .M4A/.M4B reader, 217.8mb (3 hrs and 59 mins)
Overview: “Blood, lust, and passion fuel the gods.”

In a world controlled by the celestial gods of earth, wind, fire, and water, the life of a slave is inconsequential. A relationship between the gods and humans, outside of instant gratification, is strictly forbidden. To the gods, all humans exist to serve them, but only those who have influence over the masses have been spared a certain degradation of servitude as long as they carry out the wishes of the gods.

When Mateo is captured by bandits and taken into slavery, he has no idea what his future holds, but he knows it can’t be good. He is from the badlands, places so far removed from the gods’ temples that they are practically barren. The people of the celestial cities look upon them as blasphemers and less than human.

He is poor, he has no influence, no proper education, and no skills that he could use to elevate himself to a status deserving of the gods’ mercy. So, when he’s sold off to a Ludus to be trained as a gladiator if he survives the Trial of Fate, his curse and his hope for salvation become unified. Either in life or death, he will pay tribute to the gods and respect their Dominion.

Eloy is the powerful and merciless God of Fire, and like the flames he controls, his temper and desires run just as hot, bordering on insatiable. When he sets his eyes on Mateo for the first time, he becomes intrigued.

Watching the human fight so bravely ignited his passion in an intensity that can only be matched by his lust for blood and entertainment. Being a god with millions of humans worshiping him, he’s used to getting exactly what he wants, and right now, he wants Mateo.
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction > Dark Fantasy


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