Download Dodger of the Revolution by James Benmore (.ePUB)

Dodger of the Revolution by James Benmore (The Dodger Papers Book 3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.2 mb
Overview: “We need a thief, Monsieur Dawkins. A capable one, not some delinquent oaf. Discretion, skill and intelligence are required”

The Artful Dodger in his own tale of two cities

Life as Victorian London’s top sawyer is losing its allure. Running a gang of thieves is not as easy as Fagin made it look and Jack Dawkins in danger of losing his touch. Opium-addicted and heavy-fingered, he needs a new challenge to relight his inner fire.

When some mysterious French siblings hire him for a lucrative job in Paris, our tarnished hero snatches at the chance. But what should be an easy burglary soon spirals into a chaotic and politically-charged crisis as Dodger finds himself manning the barricades in defense of liberty, fraternity and larceny.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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