Download Dissension by Julie Trettel (.ePUB)

Dissension by Julie Trettel (Compounders #3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2.8 MB | 2024 Reissue
Overview: With a plan in place, Holly Jenkins leads her unlikely team on a suicide mission into unknown territory marked with danger along every step of the way.

It means leaving many of those she loves behind.

The journey will not be easy as they encounter others who would shoot first and ask questions later.

New enemies will arise, and unlikely allies forged.

And when it’s time to return, the path back home looms in darkness filled with starvation, illness, and constant threats against their lives in an unstable world.

Some will make it back. Others will not.

And when they finally return home, things are very different.

Everything is about to change.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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