Download Digging Up Death at the Castle by Avery Kent (.ePUB)

Digging Up Death at the Castle by Avery Kent (Kitty McCray Cozy Mystery 2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2 mb
Overview: An English castle, a smart resourceful young sleuth, and treasure that leads to treachery…

The tranquil halls of Frobisher castle echo with excitement when new castle employee and graduate student, Kitty McCray, helps to discover ancient artifacts during castle restorations.

When American visitors and press arrive to view the display, one of the guests is murdered. Kitty must navigate a labyrinth of clues and suspects, a skeptical police inspector and a killer lurking in the shadows.

With the clock ticking and a murderer on the loose, Kitty must rely on her wit, her intrepid Nan, and her sweet wandering cat Mittens, to unmask the culprit before they strike again. Richard, the castle’s handsome young owner, might be the next victim.

But as Kitty edges closer to the truth, she places herself in the crosshairs of a ruthless killer, setting the stage for a deadly showdown.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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