Download Difficult Riddles For Smart Kids by Miranda Stewart (.PDF)

Difficult Riddles For Smart Kids: More Than 1000 Riddles, Trick Questions And Brain Teasers by Miranda Stewart
Requirements: .PDF reader, 1.3 MB
Overview: ★ A riddle is an easy, fun, and entertaining way to help a child develop his or her thinking abilities. Riddles are fun enough to keep the child engage. With riddles, he will definitely try to think outside the box and come with the right answer. At the same time, he’ll surely have a laugh at how the language seems to “bend” its rules to create something totally different.

✓ Now, you may be wondering: “What is a riddle?” Put easily; a riddle is a statement that has a “secret” meaning. Riddles come in many different forms; they can be short sentences, questions or long stories. But they all have one goal: to help the reader decipher the message behind it. Anyone can get the answers to these riddles as long as that person thinks a little outside the box and, in some cases, if he leaves aside, at least for a moment, the literal meaning of some words, as you will see in this book.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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