Download Devil’s Scar by Naomi West (.ePUB)

Devil’s Scar by Naomi West (Lucifer’s Demons MC 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 919 kb
Overview: I fight for what I want.

And I’ve never wanted anything the way I want her.

She don’t belong in my life—that much is real obvious.

But I can’t let her go.

Until the moment it becomes clear that there’s no future for us together.

I’m too scarred. Too broken. Too violent. Too much in every way.

And, most of all…

The men who want to kill me are way too close.

So I gotta make a choice:

My club or my woman?

I’m about to decide…

But on the worst day of my life…

That decision gets made for me.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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