Download Descendants of Fenrir: The Complete Series by Harper Maguire (.ePUB)

Descendants of Fenrir: The Complete Series by Harper Maguire
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.2 MB
Overview: A paranormal romantic suspense with wolves, bikers, and steamy romance scenes.
The complete series. Over 380,000 words in this 5-book boxset.
Genre: Fiction > Romance Paranormal, Suspense


After three years of banishment from his wolf pack for something he didn’t do, Ronin “Reaper” Larsen returns home to the town of Jagged Pass and to his MC, the Descendants of Fenrir, to take back what is rightfully his from his older brother Trick. As he roars into town on his bike, he’s greeted by a new addition to the town, Deputy Gia Moreno, who pulls him over for speeding. Ronin’s immediately taken with the spitfire of a woman, and he wonders if he can convince her to be his welcome-home present, at least for a night. Although the sexy deputy is a welcome distraction, Ronin has more pressing matters on his hands, like how to wrestle control of the pack from the unethical and damaging hands of his older brother.

The pretty, soft-spoken librarian is all Jordan “Rif Raff” Evans can think about, but he’s not sure an educated woman like that would ever be interested in a rough bad-boy biker like him. Finally he gets the courage to ask her out, and they have a great time, but he senses there is something she’s hiding from him. Things get even more complicated when Raff’s ex shows up with a little boy in tow, claiming he’s his son. Raff has no idea how to be a father, but his instincts kick in when his little boy gets sick.

Tending bar at the Descendants of Fenrir club bar, the Blood Moon, isn’t Tasha “Taz” Strand’s idea of a great future. She does it to help out her brother, Loki, and the wolf pack he belongs to, but she’s always dreamed of something more from her life. When she meets the cute older doctor from the hospital, she thinks maybe this is her ticket to a better life. But that is short-lived when she starts to exhibit painful signs that she’s starting to shift—which is unheard of as there are no female wolf shifters. Her symptoms end up putting her into the hospital where the cute doctor tends to her but asks questions she’s forbidden to answer. Once her remarkable transformation is revealed, things become tense between her and Loki, and he does something unforgivable, prompting the wolf pack to jump into action.

For the past twenty years, Priest has been an authoritative figure in the MC Descendants of Fenrir, and the shaman for the wolf pack. He has seen pack alphas come and go, conducted several bonding ceremonies for couples, and even welcomed a number of children into the pack—but he’s always done so alone. Preferring isolation and solitude, Priest has never wanted much for himself, except for the one thing he can never have—Vivian Larsen. The wife of the former alpha of the pack and president of the club who’s been banished from the pack, she’s always been off limits. But when she is diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor, Priest knows he can’t stay silent any longer and risk losing precious time with the woman he’s long known to be his one true mate. He’s determined to find a way to save her.

The small town of Jagged Pass is the last place Dr. Diane Pritchard ever thought to find herself in, but she’s here to find the source of the extraordinary blood samples that her colleague Dr. Luke Bishop sent her months ago, blood that she knows can save lives. Backed by a company with lots of money to invest, Diane tracks down Luke, but when he’s less than helpful, and almost threatening, she starts to dig into the lives of the people around him. She’s not sure what she expects to find, but it certainly isn’t the tall, sexy, bad-boy biker who makes her feel more than she’s ever felt before. She came to Jagged to save other people’s lives, but never thought she’d have to save her own.

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