Download Dealbreaker by Steve A. Zuckerman (.ePUB)(.MOBI)+

Dealbreaker (Alien Roadkill Book 1) by Steve A. Zuckerman
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI / AZW Reader, 1.0MB
Overview: The nightmare begins when JB Tucker, a backwoods, country boy, born and raised in the Carolinas, accidentally gets infected with tiny, autonomous alien tech. The freak pairing of the alien medical protocols, and his unique human body chemistry result in immediate and far-reaching consequences. The hundreds of millions of sub-molecular robots coursing through JB’s bloodstream have evolved well beyond their original design and capabilities. Now he finds himself relentlessly hunted by offworlders intent on both the retrieval of their stolen technology and his utter destruction.

As JB struggles to survive and cope with the ever expanding intelligence and power of the alien tech within him, he is thrust into the center of an intergalactic conflict that he can neither comprehend, nor escape. If he wants to keep on living, he’ll need to keep a step ahead of his pursuers, and learn to harness the growing threat inside him.
Genre: Fiction; Sci-fi/Fantasy


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