Download Deadly Powers by Paul A. Trout (.ePUB)

Deadly Powers: Animal Predators and the Mythic Imagination by Paul A. Trout
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 6.4 MB
Overview: In this illuminating and evocative exploration of the origin and function of storytelling, the author goes beyond the work of mythologist Joseph Campbell, arguing that mythmaking evolved as a cultural survival strategy for coping with the constant fear of being killed and eaten by predators. Beginning nearly two million years ago in the Pleistocene era, the first stories, Trout argues, functioned as alarm calls, warning fellow group members about the carnivores lurking in the surroundings. At the earliest period, before the development of language, these rudimentary "stories" would have been acted out. When language appeared with the evolution of the ancestral human brain, stories were recited, memorized, and much later written down as the often bone-chilling myths that have survived to this day.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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