Download Dead Silence by K.G. Reuss (.ePUB)

Dead Silence by K.G. Reuss (The Everlasting Chronicles Book 1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 228 KB
Overview: I’m Everly, and I see dead people.
The dead are supposed to be silent. Supposed to be resting in peace. But they aren’t. They’re vicious and loud. They aren’t resting. I know because I hear them. They steal my peace from me. The constant chatter drives me crazy. They’re the stuff nightmares are made of. I’m living a walking horror movie. They’ve haunted me since I was a little girl. Every attempt at finding peace and quiet is thwarted. They want something from me.
Then there’s Shadow. He’s been with me for as long as I can remember. A formidable, powerful being that incites fear all on his own. But he’s my protector, slaying the demons that get too close and saving me from whatever seeks to harm me, even myself. He wants something from me too.
Those in the know say I’m special, a Special to be more exact. All I want is to be a normal girl, concerned with boys and clothes and having fun. Why can’t the dead be silent for a change?
My fear and destiny collide to bring me to the doorstep of a place I never dreamed possible. I won’t be alone. He’ll be there. Shadow. And so will they. The dead.
Because I’m never alone.
**Reader discretion advised due to dark subject matter.**
Genre: Sci Fi/Fantasy


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