Download Dangerous Curves Ahead series by Arabella Quinn (.ePUB)

Dangerous Curves Ahead series by Arabella Quinn (Books 1~2)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 200 Kb
Overview: Arabella Quinn gave up a demanding career to become a stay at home mom. Ten years later, she is the proud mom of three very smart and energetic kids. When she feared her mind was beginning to turn to mush, she took up writing fiction as a hobby. She writes what she loves to read best: erotic romance and erotica.
Genre: Erotic Romance

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Dangerous Curves Ahead: Jake is intrigued when he overhears Krista telling her friends that no man has ever given her an orgasm. Always up for a challenge, he figures a good anonymous fuck would be the perfect way to soothe his recent heartbreak.
Voluptuous Krista has always been self-conscious. Locking eyes with the incredibly sexy cowboy at the bar, the protective wall she guards so carefully begins to crumble.
When Jake and Krista’s worlds collide, sparks will ignite their wildest desires. Will secrets and insecurities derail their fiery passion?

Dangerous Curves Ahead 2: Curvy Krista can’t stop remembering her sensual encounter with the sinfully sexy cowboy, Jake, despite the fact that he turned out to be a liar and a cheater. She guards her heart even more fiercely against the painful hurt of rejection and vows to forget him forever.
Jake is a man determined to get what he wants, but battling Krista’s insecurities proves daunting. He has found only one thing that seems to pierce all her carefully built defenses – seduction.

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