Download Dangerous Allies by Rickie Blair (.ePUB)

Dangerous Allies by Rickie Blair (Ruby Danger #1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 440 kB
Overview: Second honeymoons can be dangerous.

Tabloid darling Ruby Delaney is determined to put the parties, booze, and notorious paparazzi photos behind her. A cruise with her husband is the fresh start she needs. But their luxury liner has barely left port when she stumbles across evidence that her spouse is involved in a massive stock fraud linked to the ruthless Russian mob.

She’s stunned to discover he plans to disappear with millions and frame her for the crime. Ruby stages a disappearing act of her own. Her impulsive action backfires when the mob becomes convinced she’s vanished with their share of the take. In a frantic race to uncover the truth and escape with her life, Ruby leaves a trail of collateral damage. She doesn’t know who to trust, where to find answers, and above all—how to get off a cruise ship, undetected, in the middle of the Caribbean.
Genre: Thriller


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