Download D.I. Mahoney Mystery Series by SJ Brown (.ePUB)+

D.I. Mahoney Mystery Series (1-3) by SJ Brown
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Overview: SJbrown is the pen-name of Hobart author, Stephen Brown. His novels are set in his home state of Tasmania: a locale he seeks to explore thoroughly via the Detective Inspector Mahoney series of police procedural investigations.

When not writing the latest instalment in the series he is to be found tour-guiding overseas visitors around the state: a welcome vocational change after many years in the classroom!

A long-term fan of the crime fiction genre his reading preferences are works by Peter Robinson, Ian Rankin and James Lee Burke. Naturally, his aim is to create narratives that resound with readers to the same extent as his role models.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery /Thriller

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#1 – High Beam
Something is very rotten in the state of Tasmania. Brad Finch, the marquee player of the Tassie Devils Football Club, is the victim at the heart of a new murder mystery. Intense media scrutiny, interfering superior officers, and corrupt business interests all threaten to derail the homicide investigation conducted by the Serious Crimes Squad. Forensic analysis, dogged detective work, and inspiration may prove insufficient in the search for the true perpetrators. The team must face unpalatable truths about the nature of professional sport and the exercise of power in modern Australian society. Detective Inspector John Mahoney, the hero of this international crime series of police procedurals, is an outsider in his hometown of Hobart. Disillusioned by his private life and shocked by the corruption he unearths, he queries his capacity to continue in the job. He must decide if he has the courage to speak truth to power.

#2 – Dead Wood
Detective Inspector John Mahoney is faced with a mysterious case involving a macarbe scheme to purify the Tasmanian business sector.

Right from the off the brutal murder of a prominent business leader instigates the homicide investigation. The scale of public interest is high and the Serious Crimes Squad must make headway fast. As the investigation proceeds it becomes clear that whoever is behind the barbarity is sending a message to the whole community.

Another homicide quickly follows and pressure mounts as they seek to unravel the trail of clues. Lives are in danger but the solution is proving difficult to find.

As Mahoney deals with fissures in his personal life and generational change in the police force he must call on his full array of investigative skills to get a result.

#3 – The Square Up
Detective Inspector John Mahoney and his investigators in the Homicide Squad are faced with a murderer intent on squaring up with his victims in a highly idiosyncratic manner. Faced with theatrically staged crime scenes Mahoney must harness the insights of a renowned behavioural psycholgist as well as utilising the skills of the Forensic Services Squad to track and attempt to comprehend the mindset of the perpetrator. Mahoney is in a race against time to apprehend a murderous foe…and to save one of his own.

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