Download D-Day by Peter Young (.PDF)

D-Day by Peter Young
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Overview: On 6 June 1944 the Allies launched the greatest amphibious assault of World War II. After four years of brutal occupation the Allies intended to drive the Germans out of France and the Low Countries. The largest amphibious force in history was assembled to break Hitler’s supposedly invincible line of defense – the Atlantic Wall. Although Hitler expected an invasion he did not know where it would come ; consequently his forces were thinly spread, with no reserves left to maneuver a counterattack. The Allies caught the Germans off guard. They attacked in bad weather and Rommel, commander of the land forces in northern France, was in Germany. Airborne assaults helped to create confusion in the German rear and the Normandy beach landings were facilitated by preliminary bombardment from ships and aircraft. Slow German reaction allowed the Allies to land with light losses on four of the five beaches, but on Omaha beach the US 1st Division suffered heavy-casualties. However, a foothold was secured on all five beaches by evening, and by 12 June the Allies had united their bridgeheads and held a continuous front 60 miles long.

Brigadier Peter Young com- manded 6 Commando during the landings and his personal experience adds a special interest to his account of the D-Day assault. Illustrated with over 100 photographs and maps, D-Day is a must for all military buffs.
Genre: Non-Fiction, History, World War II


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