Download Curvy Attraction by Christa Wick (.ePUB)+

Curvy Attraction by Christa Wick (Untouchable Curves Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 530 kb | 2019 Reissue
Overview: “Ride with me.”

Three simple words. A seemingly perfect solution after my car breaks down.

So why am I so nervous about this? Sure, I’ve harbored the biggest crush on him for over a decade. But one road trip isn’t going to clue him in on that well-kept secret.

I can’t put my finger on what’s making this ride feel like a big deal. That is, until he pulls me close and revs the hard rumbling engine of his bike.

Okay, things are definitely different.

And the ride hasn’t even begun yet.

Previously published as Riding Curves (c) 2012 with revisions throughout, newly added content, and an extended ending.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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