Download Crown of Frost by Isabella August (.ePUB)

Crown of Frost by Isabella August (Faerie Lords Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 303 kb
Overview: Some memories shouldn’t be forgotten.

Against all odds, Taurus witch Elaine Halstead escaped a terrible faerie bargain, winning her freedom from Lord Blackfrost’s cold, empty gardens. But the faerie realm of Arcadia stole many of her memories when she left — and ever since returning to Toronto, she’s been plagued by dreams of a man with cold blue eyes. Elaine is certain that she’s better off without her memories of that awful place… but some small part of her still yearns to hear his voice one more time.

Arcadia isn’t done with Elaine, however. In a moment of danger, she finds herself face to face with the cold man of her dreams once again. Liam, Lord Blackfrost’s indentured warlock, steps in to save her from a terrible fate. Though Liam is everything Elaine has come to fear, he speaks to her with a strange familiarity — and while her memories of him are sparse, she finds herself drawn to him in a way that suggests he’s the very opposite of her enemy.

The other faerie lords believe that Elaine has something Lord Blackfrost covets. Liam promises to keep her safe from their predations… but can he protect her from his own mad faerie master?
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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