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Overview: David Drake (born September 24, 1945) is an American author of science fiction and fantasy literature. A Vietnam War veteran who has worked as a lawyer, he is now one of the major authors of the military science fiction genre.
Genre: Fiction > Science Fiction/Fantasy
1. An Honorable Defense: The first Crisis of Empire begins with the death of the Emperor, leaving a child as his successor. Will the leaders of the empire rally behind the child-Emperor? If they do not, interstellar civilization will once again dissolve into civil war and slide into another long night of barbarism.
2. Cluster Command: Their finest hour, or their final days…
The first Empire has entered what may very well be its last crisis: the Emperor is dead by assassination and has left an infant heir. Worse, the imperial mystique is but a fading memory: nobody believes in empire anymore. Indeed nobody believes in much of anything beyond the boundaries of self. There are exceptions, of course, and to those few falls the self-appointed duty of maintaining a military-civil order that is corrupt, despotic – and infinitely preferable to the barbarous chaos that will accompany its fall.
3. The War Machine: What’s worse than a corrupt, decadent, autocratic, oppressive regime? Corrupt, decadent, autocratic, oppressive aliens…
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David Drake – Crisis of – 1.8 MB
David Drake – Crisis of – 1.8 MB.