Download Creating wealth by Kim Wilson (.ePUB)+

Creating wealth: How to save and invest for the future by Kim Wilson
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF reader, 0.5 Mb
Overview: One of capitalism’s unpleasant facts is that working hard doesn’t automatically correlate success. If your sole revenue is exchanging time for money, your earnings potential is restricted by the amount of hours you work in a week.

But the affluent grasp capitalism’s ugly secret: the actual route to prosperity rests in passive income. Whether it’s investing in stocks, purchasing real estate, or supporting someone else’s business concept, anything that provides a “unearned” return increases your earnings potential beyond the hours in a day.

Investing in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds is a terrific way to begin your wealth, but it’s not the end of the path. As your money expands, extending into illiquid or tangible assets, such as real estate, gold, and even artwork, may help you safeguard your fortune.

Though these assets cost more upfront and are more difficult to dispose, there’s a reason why being a real estate mogul is synonymous with wealth. And since these assets aren’t as sensitive to market fluctuations, they may pay handsomely even when other investments collapse.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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