Download COVID-U: Business Lessons from a Pandemic by Jay Prag (.PDF)

COVID-U: Business Lessons from a Pandemic by Jay Prag & Amanda Ishak Prag
Requirements: .PDF reader, 10 MB
Overview: From every angle, the world has faced unprecedented change over the past two years. Academics will be dissecting the nuance of the COVID-19 Crisis for decades to come. Yet, for all the promises of research and data, we must understand that the full impact of the pandemic — from child development and college football seasons to healthcare breakthroughs and the future of the film industry — will not be known for at least a generation.

This book focuses on the business lessons we have learned since the pandemic began in early 2020. It takes an interdisciplinary approach to examining the effects of COVID-19 on multiple aspects of business, such as marketing and finance. At the same time, it stresses the need to consider the human element of business above all else, showing that people are the most important piece of what has become a devastating and unpredictable puzzle.

Readership: Academic business school undergraduate or graduate students, small and large business owners, HR managers, operations and supply chain professionals, professional services marketers, managers, readers interested in studying how businesses can tackle complex issues associated with pandemics.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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