Download Conquest by Thomas Trehearn (.ePUB)

Conquest by Thomas Trehearn (The Deian War saga #2)
Requirements: EPUB Reader | 522 KB
Overview:The Gothican Empire is blighted by the most terrible war it has ever suffered. With the Fall of Pheia and two years passed, the Phantom hordes have spread across the galaxy to attack multiple star sectors simultaneously. As a result, the Twelve Apostles and their limited legions of Black Guardians have had no choice but to split up and defend as many worlds as they can. As the demi-gods seek to reclaim their reputation and dignity, they each face their own personal problems and reactions to the conflict they find themselves irrevocably consumed by. Some begin to wonder if victory is even possible, whilst others debate their very nature and existence. Yet there is a common question between all of them; just what happened to the Dragon, and is he still alive? On Gothica, the Senate continues to grow restless and the Lord Governor has put plans in place for the Gothican military to wage war against the Phantoms against the Lion’s advisement, but there are those that are certain the Vorlan Conglomerate remains a great threat too. With The Shield nearing completion however, the Senate is determined to ignore them. Instead, they are dedicated to taking the fight back to the monsters that are already threatening their power. Whether it is the Empire or the Great Enemy, both sides have the same objective. Conquest.
Genre: Science Fiction


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