Download Coming Home to North Dakota series by Jessie Gussman (.ePUB)

Coming Home to North Dakota series by Jessie Gussman (#5-6)
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Overview: USA Today best-selling author Jessie Gussman writes sweet and inspirational romance from her farm in central Virginia. Having attended, but never graduating from the school of hard knocks, Jessie uses real life on the farm to inspire her cowboy, rural and blue-collar fiction.

When she’s not chasing kids, cows and the occasional roll-away haybale, Jessie enjoys wading in Naked Creek and not cleaning her house. Most of the time her main goal is to keep from catching herself on fire…again.

If you enjoy fun stories with vivid characters showcasing strong families with a ribbon of faith tying everything together, you might enjoy Jessie’s books.
Genre: Fiction > Romance Western


Cowboy Dreaming Alone (#5)
A good deed. A tragic accident. Two people who come together to help each other. Could this be the end of their dreaming alone?

When she develops pneumonia, Shasta Bingley can’t believe how the town of Sweet Water comes together to take care of her. Especially Nolt Powers, who not only pays her rent, but sits up with her through the worst of her sickness so she’s not alone.

Although she loves the town of Sweet Water, Shasta has to leave, since her job as a painter can’t support her in such a small town.

Then an unthinkable accident happens and Nolt needs help.

Shasta owes him, and stays to care for him, knowing she has a job waiting for her in New York.

When it’s time to leave, can she say good-bye to the man she’s come to love?

Cowboy Rescuing Me (#6)
Could the matchmakers be wrong?

Sadie Powers has crushed on her brother’s best friend for years, but when the Piece Makers, Sweet Water’s own quilting and matchmaking group, ask her to help them match him up with the new single mom in town, she just wants the man she’s loved for years to be happy, even if that’s with someone else.

When rancher and livestock auction owner, Colman Baldwin is asked to giving riding lessons to the son of the new single mom in town, he doesn’t hesitate to make time in his schedule to help out. That’s what small towns are for. He doesn’t realize he’s being set up. Maybe that’s why he’s falling for the wrong woman.

Soon, everyone in Sweet Water has a finger in the pie and everyone is holding their breath to see if the Piece Makers will have another successful match, of if a dark horse will ride in and steal the potential groom away.

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