Download Cobra: The Gay Vigilante Series by Nicholas Bella (.ePUB)

Cobra: The Gay Vigilante Series by Nicholas Bella (3, 5)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 304 KB
Overview: About me? Hmmm, I’m just a person with a wild imagination and a love for words who was sitting around the house one day and said, "Why hasn’t anyone written a book like this before?". As with every storyteller, I wanted to share mine with the world. I like my erotica dark, gritty, sexy… and even a little raunchy. I’m not afraid to go there and I hope you aren’t afraid to go there with me.
Genre: Erotic Romance, MM


3. Unlawful – "I’m an equal opportunity avenger, baby"
I’m playing things smarter now, not making the same mistakes as the last time. If we want to take down this murder syndicate–because that’s what I’m calling them–then Jordan and I have to be more cunning than they are. Right now, my new target is Mayor Cecily Danvers. Who would have thought a woman, with such a bright, warm smile, who often talked about bettering our city, would be into watching people be tortured to death? The woman spent time with inner city youths for God’s sake, helping to build community centers in order to keep them off the streets. Goes to show you people aren’t always what they seem. The bad news is, she’s highly protected, so getting to her is going to be tricky… but not impossible. The good new is, I love a challenge.

5. Vulnerable – "I hope I didn’t just make the biggest mistake of my life?"
The things Alexi does to me sends my body into a blissful spiral. I’ve been with plenty of men in the past, but none have made me feel the way that he does. Jordan doesn’t approve of our relationship… can I even call what I have with Alexi a relationship? I’m not sure if I want to think about it that hard, either. The other side of my life deals with Richard Tate. The millionaire businessman who I’m sure is a major player of the murder ring I’m trying to take down, The Killing Game. The time has come for me to make my move, and I plan on make Richard Tate pay.

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