Download CivCEO: Accidental Champion, Books 1-5 Andrew Karevik (.MP3)

CivCEO: Accidental Champion, Books 1-5 Andrew Karevik
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 1.9gb
Overview: When Charles Morris is forced into retirement, the old multinational company CEO has to accept that it is all over. The days of running his financial empire have finally come to an end. All because of a stupid heart attack. Now what is there for him to do but to curl up in a corner and die?
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction



While Charles is attending a fundraiser, however, something happens and he’s transported into a strange medieval world where magic is real and legendary heroes coexist with mythical monsters.
Follow Charles as he takes on the challenge of a lifetime. Follow him as he builds roads and shops, hires heroes, develops alliances with neighboring villages…but also fights terrible foes while struggling to maintain the Happiness and Satisfaction levels of his village in the positives.


Now a Level 3 village, Tine has grown considerably since that fateful day Charles Morris got thrown in Liora by mistake and decided to become its Champion. With threats of uprising behind him, Charles could focus on bringing the Satisfaction and Happiness rates higher than ever, while also adding the basic structures that would generate enough weekly income to keep Tine growing steadily.
But as with the companies he used to run in his previous life, he’ll find that the bigger a village gets, the bigger the problems.
Follow our dear champion as he embarks on a delicate mission to switch governments. Follow him as he must select the best candidates for new advisor slots as they open and also find a way to up his Cultural Points in order to unlock new options in the Great Picture…all the while having to deal with a mighty warmonger and a mysterious group of thieves that could very well ruin everything he’s been working so hard for.


Charles’ crazy wager paid off. After facing near annihilation, he managed to upend Nicos the warmonger and secure a new strip of land near the coast. With Tine growing steadily, he can now turn his attention to developing this new village and turning it into a new powerhouse.
But as always, nothing ever goes as planned. For one, the borders of his new territory do not quite reach the water, so he cannot build a Seaport until he levels up his village. He cannot even access the resource tiles such as the fish, making this place completely depend on Tine for food.
On top of that, Charles still needs to find a way to reinstate Tanders who’s been chased away from Igithor by rival Henderson Aimes (with the help of the Silver Fools). One of the possible options is to recruit more Heroes to retake the guildhall, especially since his loyal wizard Alamander has yet to return from his secret leave.
But to get access to those special units, he first needs to build a Hall of Heroes. And for that, he needs rare artifacts….


The time is now. Ever since he first set foot in Liora, Charles had to suffer the Tradesmen’s criminal practices, but now is the time for him to strike back and take them down for good. But as our dear Champion gets ready to make his move, his plans are smashed to bits. While he counted on his trading with Liskoa to bring him the money needed to fund his retaliation, he can only watch as a pirate ship sinks one of his vessels, cutting off the cash coming in.
As it turns out, those pirates received their orders from a city under Tradesmen management. Willing to investigate the matter, Charles decides to pay the place a visit. Maybe there’s a way he can sway the guildmaster and get him in his pocket, just like he did with Tanders…. His hopes quickly vanish when he finds that two factions are really governing the city, and none is interested in challenging the status quo. Thankfully, not all is lost.
Join Charles as the borders of his small empire continue to expand, threatening to gobble up that of an allied force. Join him as yet another advisor slot opens, allowing him to finally appoint a Spymaster and create an intelligence network to help him subvert his enemies.


The Tradesmen are no more. With the help of his allies, Charles finally managed to oust the nefarious guild and free Liora of its iron grip. Yet, the destruction of the Tradesmen had an unexpected effect. The vast territory they were controlling is now up for grabs, triggering a race for all Champions to claim as much land as possible. And in that rush, new dangers and enemies arise.
To counter those threats, Charles – always the big thinker – decides to create a coalition, some sort of defensive organization like NATO from his old world. But when he sets on his way to meet with possible members, something happens and one Champion is murdered in front of him. Before he disappears, the assassin makes it clear that Charles is next. And not even Roost, Knives, or Alamander might save him.
Is this the end of the road for the ruler of Tine, or will he manage to use his wits and a lifetime of experience to once again escape sure death and the annihilation of his nation?
Follow Charles as he returns to the Scale Market to trade with more dragons and curry favor with them. Follow him as he is finally forced to develop his army and start investing money and points into military advancements.

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