Download City on Edge by Stefanie Pintoff (.ePUB)

City on Edge by Stefanie Pintoff (Eve Rossi #2)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 651 kb
Overview: The night before the Thanksgiving Day Parade, a crowd gathers on Manhattan’s Upper West Side to watch the giant balloons fill with helium and rise toward the sky. Then the festive ritual takes a terrifying turn—a gunshot rings out, police commissioner Logan Donovan falls, and panic erupts. When the chaos clears, another crime is revealed: Donovan’s daughter, Allie, has been kidnapped. Soon the abductor will make his shocking demands.
Within hours, Special Agent Eve Rossi and her handpicked team of quick-thinking, swift-moving, hard-striking former convicts know a lot about the kidnapper. He’s somewhere close by, holding Allie along with a captive boy. He hates Logan Donovan enough to destroy him. And he will kill.
But there’s more Eve and her team don’t know—about a weapon planted inside the parade, about Commissioner Donovan’s hidden life, and about the secrets his daughter keeps. As people line the streets, bands and marchers prepare, and the massive parade steps off into New York’s echoing canyons, a desperate race begins to keep the city from being torn asunder by a brutal act of violence. But even as her squad deploys for action, Eve grapples with a harrowing question: Whom should she fear more—a vengeful man threatening innocent lives, or a charming, arrogant cop fighting to save his daughter, who may be trying to cover up his crimes?
Genre: Thriller


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