Download Chronicles of The Black Company (collection) by Glen Cook (.ePUB)

Chronicles of The Black Company (Volumes 1-4) by Glen Cook (Omnibuses | Books #01-09)
Requirements: ePUB Reader | 5.7 MB | Version: Retail
Overview: When sorcerers and demigods go to war, those wars are fought by mercenaries, "dog soldiers," grunts in the trenches. And the stories of those soldiers are the stories of Glen Cook’s hugely popular fantasy series, Chronicles of The Black Company.
Genre: Fantasy

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Chronicles of The Black Company (Chronicles of The Black Company: Volume 01)
Darkness wars with darkness as the hard-bitten men of the Black Company take their pay and do what they must. They bury their doubts with their dead. Then comes the prophecy: The White Rose has been reborn, somewhere, to embody good once more…

01. The Black Company
02. Shadows Linger
03. The White Rose

The Books of the South (Chronicles of The Black Company: Volume 2)
Marching south after the ghastly battle at the Tower of Charm, the Black Company is hounded by shadowy figures every inch of the way. The game is on: the Company versus the Shadowmasters, deadly creatures that deal in darkness and sorrow. When hope dies, there’s still survival. And there’s still the Black Company.

3.5. Shadow Games
04. Dreams of Steel
05. The Silver Spike

The Return of The Black Company (Chronicles of The Black Company: Volume 3)
"Let me tell you who I am, on the chance that these scribblings do survive. . .
"I am Murgen, Standardbearer of the Black Company, though I bear the shame of having lost that standard in battle. I am keeping these Annals because Croaker is dead, One-Eye won’t, and hardly anyone else can read or write. I will be your guide for however long it takes the Shadowlanders to force our present predicament to its inevitable end. . ."

06. Bleak Seasons
07. She Is the Darkness

The Many Deaths of The Black Company (Chronicles of The Black Company: Volume 4)
In Water Sleeps, the surviving members of the Company regroup in Taglios, determined to free their fellow warriors held in stasis beneath the glittering plain. Journeying there under terrible conditions, they arrive just in time for a magical conflagration in which the bones of the world will be revealed, the history of the Company unveiled, and new worlds gained and lost… all at a terrible price.

And in Soldiers Live, no Black Company member has died in battle for four years. Croaker figures it can’t last. Then a report arrives of an an old enemy newly active again. It attacks them at a shadowgate — setting off a chain of events that will bring the Company to the edge of apocalypse and, as usual, several steps beyond.

08. Water Sleeps copyright
09. Soldiers Live

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