Download Chosen King Series by M.J. Sewall (.ePUB)

Chosen King Series by M.J. Sewall (#1-3)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1.0 MB
Overview: I am a lifelong writer in many genres.
My novels and non-fiction work share the theme of exploring dark, unexplored places. That sounds pretentious, I know.
Mostly I make up stories and write them down. There is a special sub-conscious alchemy that is happening, but don’t look at me; I have no idea how it works.
Whether it’s boys chosen to be king, giant monsters attacking, kids with seemingly magical powers or just an unraveling of deeply held assumptions, I write to explore.
My only rule: It must be a great story.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


Dream Of Empty Crowns
The Kingdom needs a new ruler, and the lottery begins.
Young Gordon throws his name into the choosing tower like all the other boys. But when his name rings out through the crowds, what should be the happiest moment of his life becomes a dark turn of fate.
He wasn’t supposed to be chosen; the system had been rigged by the First Councilor for years. Now, he wants blood. But before he can act against the new King, secret allies spirit Gordon away to an adventure he could have never imagined.
Pursued by kingdom airships and the very soldiers sworn to protect him, the young king is has to align with great warriors and unexpected allies.
But can he find enough strength to save not only his kingdom, but the entire realm?

Trials of Boy Kings
The two boy kings were chosen, but the lottery was rigged. Though the boy kings stand oceans apart, the airships have made it a smaller world. And old truths have been discovered, ensuring grave danger for them all. Held captive by their fate, the two sworn enemies that chose their king will come crashing together, but in ways neither side saw coming. A new threat may tip the scales, as the mysterious distant leader called the father finally steps out of the shadows to threaten his enemies with a deadly new weapon. With only destiny altering choices, both kings must hold onto the allies that will bring down their true enemies, and set right the history that has been stolen. Chosen King is a fast paced action adventure series, where mighty battles meet political intrigue as the story twists and surprises. This is also the first fantasy series to feature a diabetic hero.

Plague of Tyrants
Their new world may crumble…
Two boys now rule the Kingdom of the Thirteen, and enemies are building on all sides. Faced with a threat unlike anything the world has ever seen, the two kings have discovered their prized airships can’t protect them against all dangers. One king must leave to find the source of the new threat, while leaving the other to face enemies on two fronts.
Dangers at home, violence from afield…
Despite the purging of the corrupt government that used to control the kingdom, there is still much work to be done. Loyalties are tested and boundaries broken as the kings try to establish who they can trust in the new world that they helped to create. With old enemies looking for new ways to exact revenge, their Kingdom has never been more vulnerable, and new enemies are born from the plots laid by old adversaries. Even their own people start to question whether kings should rule them at all.
The will to survive…
At the heart of it all are Kings Gordon and Asa. Neither of them asked to be king, but both of them have served the role in the best ways they know how. As they continue to push themselves to new limits, they’ll need to dig deeper than ever before to find ways to unite their people, defeat the enemies at their door, and above all, remain true to themselves. Everything they know will be tested, but will they once again be able to cheat death and answer the call of destiny?

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