Download Chasing the Tide by Mac Fortner (.ePUB)+

Chasing the Tide (Cam Derringer Book 13) by Mac Fortner
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 730KB
Overview: Cam Derringer is on the run when a body is discovered on his boat with his DNA all over it. Desperate to prove his innocence, a mysterious woman appears with her own set of troubles. Against the backdrop of crashing waves and soaring mountains, they embark on an adventure to uncover the truth. But Cam can’t help but question if the woman is being honest with him, and his gut instinct warns that this could be more dangerous than anything he’s faced before. With a group of highly skilled women and his best friend, Walter, by his side, Cam races against time to settle the score with the person responsible. Chasing the tide is the only way he’ll make it out alive.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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