Download Data Visualization and Storytelling with Tableau by Mamta Mittal(.PDF)

Data Visualization and Storytelling with Tableau by Mamta Mittal, Nidhi Grover Raheja
Requirements: .PDF reader, 69.9 MB
Overview: Tableau, one of the most widely used visualization tools, helps in illustrating the ideas of data visualization and storytelling. Through Tableau’s Data Visualization and Storytelling feature, aspiring data scientists and analysts can develop their visual analytics skills and use them in both academic and business contexts. Data Visualization and Storytelling with Tableau enables budding data analysts and data scientists to develop and sharpen their skills in the field of visual analytics and apply them in business scenarios as well as in academic context. This book approaches the Data Visualization workflow from a practical point of view, emphasizing the steps involved and the outcomes attained. A major focus of this book is the application and deployment of real-time case studies. Later chapters in this book provide comprehensive coverage for advanced topics such as data storytelling, data insights, color selection in graphs, publishing in tableau public, and misleading visualizations. Thus, this book emphasizes the need to visually examine and evaluate data through stories and interactive dashboards that are made up of appropriate graphs and charts. The case studies covered in this book are a natural extension of the visualization topics that are covered in each chapter. This book is meant for data analysts, computer scientists/engineers, and industry professionals who are interested in creating different types of visualization graphs for a given data problem and drawing interesting insights from the plotted trends in order to make better business decisions in the future.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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Download Artificial Intelligence: What Is Behind by Gerhard Paaß (.PDF)

Artificial Intelligence: What Is Behind the Technology of the Future? by Gerhard Paaß, Dirk Hecker
Requirements: .PDF reader, 33.9 MB
Overview: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already present in our daily routines, and in the future, we will encounter it in almost every aspect of life – from analyzing X-rays for medical diagnosis, driving autonomous cars, maintaining complex machinery, to drafting essays on environmental problems and drawing imaginative pictures. The potentials of AI are enormous, while at the same time many myths, uncertainties and challenges circulate that need to be tackled. This book is addressed to the general public, from interested citizens to corporate executives who want to develop a better and deeper understanding of AI technologies and assess their consequences. Mathematical basics, terminology, and methods are explained in understandable language. Adaptations to different media such as images, text, and speech and the corresponding generative models are introduced. A concluding discussion of opportunities and challenges helps readers evaluate new developments, demystify them, and assess their relevance for the future. The purpose of this book is to clearly demonstrate the new possibilities of Machine Learning in different application areas, such as autonomous driving, medical diagnosis or the analysis of the meaning of language. It turns out that the methods used are composed of very simple operations, such as addition and multiplication. These gain their performance by being applied to very large sets of numbers and several times in succession. If one would like to understand the technical Chaps. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 in detail, a mathematical understanding at senior high school level is sufficient.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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Download Everyday Data Visualization by Desireé Abbott (.ePUB)

Everyday Data Visualization: Design Effective Charts and Dashboards by Desireé Abbott
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 32.4 MB
Overview: Radically improve the quality of your data visualizations by employing core principles of color, typography, chart types, data storytelling, and more. Everyday Data Visualization is a field guide for design techniques that will improve the charts, reports, and data dashboards you build every day. Everything you learn is tool-agnostic, with universal principles you can apply to any data stack. This book gives you the tools you need to bring your data to life with clarity, precision, and flair. You’ll learn how human brains perceive and process information, wield modern accessibility standards, get the basics of color theory and typography, and more. One of the most popular and powerful data visualization libraries for JavaScript is the free and open-source d3.js, also known as D3 or d3, which stands for “Data-Driven Documents.” If JavaScript and its asynchrony aren’t your jam, perhaps you’d prefer Python or R. While Python is an entire programming language, and R is a software environment specifically made for statistical analysis, both are free and open source, have a cult-like following among coders, and are great for data viz practitioners. Both R and Python have very friendly and approachable syntax, hence their considerable popularity. If you’re a statistician or data scientist, you probably already know R, and if you’re not, I’d wager you’d prefer Python. As for libraries to use in each, R users adore their ggplot/ggplot2 and Shiny, while Python users have many other options, including Seaborn, Plotly, and Matplotlib.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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Download Architecting ASP.NET Core Applications by Carl-Hugo Marcotte (.ePUB)+

Architecting ASP.NET Core Applications: An atypical design patterns guide for .NET 8, C# 12, and beyond, 3rd Edition by Carl-Hugo Marcotte
Requirements: .PDF/.ePUB reader, 62 mb
Overview: This unique ASP.NET Core book will fill in the gaps in your REST API and backend designs. Learn how to build robust, maintainable, and flexible apps using Gang of Four (GoF) design patterns and modern architectural principles. This new edition is updated for .NET 8 and focuses exclusively on the backend, with new content on REST APIs, the REPR pattern, and building modular monoliths.

You’ll start by covering foundational concepts like REST, the SOLID principles, Minimal APIs, dependency injection in .NET, and other ASP.NET Core 8 mechanisms. Then, you’ll learn to develop components using design patterns, including many from the GoF. Finally, you’ll explore organizing your application code with patterns that vary from layers to feature-oriented vertical slice designs, covering CQS and a deep dive into microservices along the way. A brand-new e-commerce project at the end of the book will tie it all together.

This how-to guide will teach you how to assemble your own APIs from building blocks, to suit whatever real-world requirements you may have.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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Download Protocol Buffers Handbook by Clément Jean (.ePUB)+

Protocol Buffers Handbook: Getting deeper into Protobuf internals and its usage by Clément Jean
Requirements: .PDF/.ePUB reader, 5 mb
Overview: Explore how Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) serialize structured data and provides a language-neutral, platform-neutral, and extensible solution. With this guide to mastering Protobuf, you’ll build your skills to effectively serialize, transmit, and manage data across diverse platforms and languages.

This book will help you enter the world of Protocol Buffers by unraveling the intricate nuances of Protobuf syntax and showing you how to define complex data structures. As you progress, you’ll learn schema evolution, ensuring seamless compatibility as your projects evolve. The book also covers advanced topics such as custom options and plugins, allowing you to tailor validation processes to your specific requirements. You’ll understand how to automate project builds using cutting-edge tools such as Buf and Bazel, streamlining your development workflow. With hands-on projects in Go and Python programming, you’ll learn how to practically apply Protobuf concepts. Later chapters will show you how to integrate data interchange capabilities across different programming languages, enabling efficient collaboration and system interoperability.

By the end of this book, you’ll have a solid understanding of Protobuf internals, enabling you to discern when and how to use and redefine your approach to data serialization.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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