Download JavaScript by Doing: Over 100 Hands-On by Laurence Lars Svekis (.PDF)+

JavaScript by Doing: Over 100 Hands-On Coding Challenges for Mastering JS by Laurence Lars Svekis
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 10 MB
Overview: “JavaScript by Doing: Over 100 Hands-On Coding Challenges for Mastering JS” by Laurence Lars Svekis is an extensive resource designed to transform beginners into proficient JavaScript developers through a practical, exercise-driven learning approach. The book is organized into several chapters, each dedicated to a fundamental aspect of JavaScript, starting from basic programming concepts to more advanced topics like asynchronous programming and working with APIs. The initial sections of the book introduce readers to JavaScript’s syntax and basic programming constructs such as variables, data types, and control structures like loops and conditional statements. Each concept is accompanied by targeted coding exercises that encourage hands-on practice. For example, early exercises have readers practice outputting text to the console, working with variables, and implementing basic conditional logic. As the reader progresses, the exercises gradually increase in complexity. One of the standout features of the book is its deep dive into the Document Object Model (DOM). This section teaches readers how to interact with and manipulate web pages dynamically, covering topics from basic element selection and event handling to more complex DOM manipulations. Exercises in this section are particularly interactive, requiring readers to write JavaScript code that responds to user inputs and alters the DOM accordingly.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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Download Advanced Machine Learning with Evolutionary by Jayaraman Valadi(.PDF)+

Advanced Machine Learning with Evolutionary and Metaheuristic Techniques by Jayaraman Valadi, Krishna Pratap Singh, Muneendra Ojha
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF reader, 50.0 MB
Overview: This book delves into practical implementation of evolutionary and metaheuristic algorithms to advance the capacity of Machine Learning. The readers can gain insight into the capabilities of data-driven evolutionary optimization in materials mechanics, and optimize your learning algorithms for maximum efficiency. Or unlock the strategies behind hyperparameter optimization to enhance your transfer learning algorithms, yielding remarkable outcomes. Or embark on an illuminating journey through evolutionary techniques designed for constructing deep-learning frameworks. The book also introduces an intelligent RPL attack detection system tailored for IoT networks. Explore a promising avenue of optimization by fusing Particle Swarm Optimization with Reinforcement Learning.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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Download Grokking Web Application Security by Malcolm McDonald (.PDF)

Grokking Web Application Security (Final Release) by Malcolm McDonald
Requirements: .PDF reader, 41.1 MB
Overview: When you launch an application on the web, every hacker in the world has access to it. Are you sure your web apps can stand up to the most sophisticated attacks? Grokking Web Application Security teaches you how to build web apps that are ready for and resilient to any attack. It’s laser-focused on what the working programmer needs to know about web security, and is fully illustrated with concrete examples and essential advice from author Malcolm McDonald’s extensive career. You’ll learn what motivates hackers to hack a site, discover the latest tools for identifying security issues, and set up a development lifecycle that catches security issues early. Read it cover to cover for a comprehensive overview of web security, and dip in as a reference whenever you need to tackle a specific vulnerability. Web application security is a curious subject area, in that every programmer (even fresh out of boot camp or with a recent computer science degree in hand) will have a fair knowledge of it, but we tend to feel (quite correctly) that we should know a little bit more. Doing your own research on the web can feel like walking into a disorganized library and picking up random texts, hoping to gain some good insights. Furthermore, nobody loves going to their boss and admitting that they have gaps in their knowledge, so we tend to be a little insecure about what we might not know. Launching a web application on the internet is a daunting task. The steps you take along the road to deploying a web app can be onerous: designing and coding your web pages, adding interactivity using JavaScript, implementing the backend services and connecting them to a data store, choosing a hosting platform, and registering a domain name. The result is worthwhile, of course: your website will be available to billions of users immediately, thanks to the magic of the internet.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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Download System Design Interview: An Insider’s Guide, 2nd Ed by Alex Xu (.PDF)

System Design Interview: An Insider’s Guide, 2nd Edition by Alex Xu
Requirements: .PDF reader, 7.3 Mb
Overview: The system design interview is considered to be the most complex and most difficult technical job interview by many. Those questions are intimidating, but don’t worry. It’s just that nobody has taken the time to prepare you systematically.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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Download Python Programming Bible for Beginners by Maxwell Trenton (.PDF)+

Python Programming Bible for Beginners: [4 in 1] The Ultimate 5-Day Python Crash Course with Step-by-Step Guidance, Expert Secrets, and a Practical Workbook to Achieve Your Career Aspirations by Maxwell Trenton
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF reader, 16.3 MB
Overview: Are you overwhelmed by the vast world of Python programming, unsure where to start your journey toward tech mastery? Do you fear wasting time on resources that don’t truly prepare you for real-world programming challenges? Or perhaps you’re balancing a tight schedule, struggling to find a beginner-friendly guide that can propel you into a lucrative coding career without the fluff and filler? Introducing "Python Programming Bible for Beginners: [4 in 1] The Ultimate 5-Day Python Crash Course with Step-by-Step Guidance, Expert Secrets, and a Practical Workbook to Achieve Your Career Aspirations." This isn’t just another programming book; it’s your accelerated path to becoming a proficient Python programmer, designed to turn aspirations into achievements. Within the covers of this comprehensive guide, you’ll find a meticulously crafted journey through Python – from the very basics to advanced applications in the real world. Whether you’re aiming for a career change, seeking academic excellence, or simply adding a valuable skill to your repertoire, this book has you covered. Diving into programming can be daunting, but remember, every expert was once a beginner. This chapter is crafted to ease you into Python gently, ensuring you build a solid foundation without feeling overwhelmed. We’ll start by setting up your Python environment, turning your computer into a powerful laboratory for experimentation and learning. Next, we’ll write our first Python script together, echoing the traditional "Hello, World!" – a rite of passage for all programmers that marks the beginning of your coding journey.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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