Download eForth as Arduino Sketch by Chen-Hanson Ting (.ePUB)

eForth as Arduino Sketch: no extra Programmer by Chen-Hanson Ting
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2 MB
Overview: eForth as an Arduino Sketch Last year I decided to retire from electronics and microcontrollers. So I cleaned out my study and my garage, gave away all my tools and spare parts. I realized that I should not be a hardware engineer. I am only a programmer, and should just work on software. Then, when I visited my brother in Denver last summer, I saw that my niece was working on a couple of Arduino Boards. On an Arduino board, there was a microcontroller in a DIP socket! That was very interesting. When I came back, I bought a couple of Arduino Uno Boards, and have been working on them since. I had to buy back tools and many electronic parts and ate my vow to stay away from hardware. Arduino Uno is a lovely, small, cheap, and readily accessible microcontroller board. The operating system and the programming environment Arduino 0022 is a good match to the Arduino Uno Board. Through a single USB cable, you can upload programs from a PC to Arduino Uno, and then communicate with the Uno through the same cable using RS232 protocol.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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Download EP32 RISC Processor IP by Dr. Chen-Hanson Ting (.ePUB)

EP32 RISC Processor IP: Description and Implementation into FPGA by Dr. Chen-Hanson Ting
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2 MB
Overview: A 32 Bit RISC Processor in VHDL. VHDL Code Package ordered separately includes Simulator.It seems to be impossible, but you can design your own 32 processor system. Here with the help of the free to download Lattice Diamond Software just needed to program the FPGA.The image ( available soon ) includes the synthesized VHDL and the eForth and is programmed into the FPGA, start your favorite Terminal program and reset the Brevia board – writing code can start. More details to be found at additional hardware needed to get started, communication and Power Supply via the same USB cable. From the book:The eP32 microprocessor is a Minimal Instruction Set Computer (MISC), vis-à-vis Complicated Instruction Set Computer (CISC) and Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC). MISC was originally developed by Mr. Chuck Moore, and implemented in his MuP21 chip. It happened that Chuck also invented the FORTH programming language. For many years, Chuck sought to put FORTH into silicon, because he thought FORTH was not only a programming language, but also an excellent computer architecture.In the early 1990s, a group of engineers from the MOSIS multiple design chip service program came to Silicon Valley and started Orbit Semiconductor Corp, offering foundry services to the general public.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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Download Basics of Power BI Modeling by Reza Rad (.ePUB)

Basics of Power BI Modeling: The fundamental lessons of building a data model that works best for Power BI solutions by Reza Rad
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 16 MB
Overview: I have been dealing with many Power BI challenges in my professional life as a Power BI consultant and a trainer. Challenges normally come as calculation or DAX questions, or sometimes as a performance question. However, after digging deeper into the problem, soon, it will be revealed that the problem is related to a more fundamental challenge; data modeling.If you have a Power BI implementation with many calculation-related or performance-related issues, I strongly suggest looking into your data model because that is where most of the problems start.A good data model is a great base, which upon that, you can build up many stories of calculations and analysis. A bad data model causes problems on every level that you add upon it, and might sometime cause the whole solution to collapse.Fortunately, data modeling is not rocket science. I explained the basic principles of the data modeling with examples in this book. Use this book as the learning path towards a better data model. Most of the tips mentioned in this book are product-agnostic (such as star-schema, dimension, and fact tables). However, this book is particularly designed and developed for a Power BI product user.This book is for you if you are building a Power BI solution. If your task is only visualizing the existing data, this book might not be needed for you. However, What I have seen in many cases, is that the requirement starts with just visualize the data, and then more data tables appear, and you get into the tunnel of data modeling without knowing the principles of it. This book is a guide for you through that tunnel.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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Download AI For Creativity by Niklas Hageback (.PDF)

AI For Creativity by Niklas Hageback
Requirements: .PDF reader, 8 MB
Overview: What is computational creativity? Can AI learn to be creative?

One of the human mind’s most valuable features is the capacity to formulate creative thoughts, an ability that through quantum leap innovations has propelled us to the current digital age. However, creative breakthroughs are easier said than done. Appearing less frequently and more sporadically than desired, it seems that we have not yet fully cracked the creative code. But with the rapid advances in artificial intelligence which have come to provide an ever-closer proximity with the cognitive faculties of mankind, can this emerging technology improve our creative capabilities? What will that look like and will it be the missing link in the man–machine enigma? AI for Creativity provides a fascinating look at what is currently emerging in the very cutting-edge area of artificial intelligence and the tools being developed to enable computational creativity that holds the propensity to dramatically change our lives.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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Download Cyberspace, Data Analytics, and Policing by David Skillicorn (.PDF)

Cyberspace, Data Analytics, and Policing by David Skillicorn
Requirements: .PDF reader, 11mb
Overview: Cyberspace is changing the face of crime. For criminals it has become a place for rich collaboration and learning, not just within one country; and a place where new kinds of crimes can be carried out, and a vehicle for committing conventional crimes with unprecedented range, scale, and speed. Law enforcement faces a challenge in keeping up and dealing with this new environment. The news is not all bad – collecting and analyzing data about criminals and their activities can provide new levels of insight into what they are doing and how they are doing it. However, using data analytics requires a change of process and new skills that (so far) many law enforcement organizations have had difficulty leveraging. Cyberspace, Data Analytics, and Policing surveys the changes that cyberspace has brought to criminality and to policing with enough technical content to expose the issues and suggest ways in which law enforcement organizations can adapt.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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