Download Mastering ServiceNow – Second Edition by Martin Wood (.PDF)

Mastering ServiceNow – Second Edition by Martin Wood
Requirements: Any PDF Reader, 10.2mb
Overview: This book is aimed at advanced ServiceNow System Administrators and developers who would like to gain greater control of ServiceNow and its architecture. The book expects you to be new to ServiceNow, but have a good grounding in internet and computing technologies, like HTML, JSON, REST and database systems. Readers should be especially familiar with JavaScript, and be keen to extend and alter the platform. With this book, they will be able to develop a new application for their company.
ServiceNow is a SaaS application that provides workflow form-based applications. It is an ideal platform for creating enterprise-level applications giving requesters and fulfillers improved visibility and access to a process. ServiceNow-based applications often replace email by providing a better way to get work done.
The book steps through the main aspects of the ServiceNow platform, from the ground up. It starts by exploring the core architecture of ServiceNow, including building the right data structure. To add business logic and control data, and interactivity to user interaction, you will be shown how to code on both server and the client. You will then learn more about the power of tasks, events and notifications. The book will then focus on using web services and other mechanisms to integrate ServiceNow with other systems. Furthermore, you will learn how to secure applications and data, and understand how ServiceNow performs logging and error reporting. You will then be shown how to package your applications and changes, so they can be installed elsewhere and ways to maintain them easily. If you wish to create an alternative simple interface, then explore ways to make ServiceNow beautiful using Service Portal.
By the end of the book, you will know the fundamentals of the ServiceNow platform, helping you be a better ServiceNow System Administrator or developer.
Genre: Non-Fiction> Networking & Cloud Computing


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Download ASP.NET Core and Angular 2 by Valerio De Sanctis (.PDF)

ASP.NET Core and Angular 2 by Valerio De Sanctis
Requirements: Any PDF Reader, 6.7mb
Overview: ASP.NET developers – find out how to bring Angular 2 into your development stack and extend your skillset so you can build even better single page applications.
Writing code is about striking a balance between maintainability and productivity—how quickly you can write it against how much more you have to write in the future. This is a guide to doing just that by combining the impressive capabilities of ASP.NET Core and Angular 2. It shows you how to successfully manage an API and use it to support and power a dynamic single-page application.
We’ll show you how to construct your data model and manage routing and redirects before wrapping it up and styling it, all with the help of ASP.NET and Angular 2. You’ll also learn how to optimize your application for SEO, check and secure any vulnerabilities, implement a viable authentication mechanism and, last but not least, use the proper tools and strategies for successful deployment. From readable URIs to OData retrieval and authentication patterns, we’ll make sure you have all the technical knowledge you need and, more importantly, bring it all together so you can focus on what’s important: a high-quality application that performs for users.
Genre: Non-Fiction> Programming > Languages & Tools


What You Will Learn:

– Find out how ASP.NET Core’s and Angular 2’s features perfectly complement each other
– Learn how to set up the resources you need and configure the MVC 6 interface
– Handle requests and actions using server-side and client-side Routing
– Create the Data Model using Entity Framework Core
– Learn how to use Angular 2 components and master directives
– Implement a token-based authorization and authentication flow supporting external login providers such as Facebook, Google, Twitter and more
– Create responsive, mobile-friendly views using Bootstrap and LESS
– Setup and optimize your production environment using IIS and SQL Server
– Secure your application against a diverse range of dangerous security threats

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Download iPhone Development with Swift 4 by Molly K. Maskre (.PDF)

Beginning iPhone Development with Swift 4: Exploring the iOS SDK by Molly K. Maskrey
Requirements: Any PDF Reader, 15.8mb
Overview: Learn how to integrate all the interface elements iOS users have come to know and love, such as buttons, switches, pickers, toolbars, and sliders. In this edition of the best selling book, you’ll master a variety of design patterns, from the simplest single view to complex hierarchical drill-downs.
Assuming little or no working knowledge of the Swift programming language, and written in a friendly, easy-to-follow style, this book offers a comprehensive course in iPhone and iPad programming. The book starts with the basics, walking through the process of downloading and installing Xcode and the iOS 11 SDK, and then guides you though the creation of your first simple application.
The art of table building will be demystified, and you’ll learn how to save your data using the iOS file system. You’ll see how to to create, load and work with playgrounds as you develop an understanding of the Swift language. You’ll also learn how to save and retrieve your data using a variety of persistence techniques, including Core Data and SQLite. And there’s much more!
Beginning iPhone Development with Swift 4 covers the basic information you need to get up and running quickly with your iOS apps. Once you’re ready, move on to Professional iPhone Development with Swift 4 to learn more of the really unique aspects of the SDK and Swift language.
Genre: Non-Fiction> Programming > Languages & Tools


What You Will Learn:

Discover what data persistence is, and why it’s important
Build cool, crisp user interfaces
Display data in Table Views
Work with all the most commonly used iOS Frameworks

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Download Progressive Web Apps with React by Scott Domes (.ePUB)

Progressive Web Apps with React by Scott Domes
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 10.6 MB
Overview: Enhance the performance of your applications by using React and adding the Progressive web app capability to it About This Book * Bring the best of mobile sites and native apps to your users with progressive web applications * Create fast, reliable, and engaging PWAs with React and Firebase * Create high-performance applications even with low connection speeds by leveraging modern web technologies Who This Book Is For This book is for Javascript Developers who want to develop high performance Web User Interfaces. This book requires basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. What You Will Learn * Set up Webpack configuration, as well as get the development server running * Learn basic Firebase configuration and deployment * Create routes, manage multiple components, and learn how to use React Router v4 to manage the flow of data * Use React life cycle methods to load data * Add a service worker to the app and learn how it works * Use a service worker to send Push Notifications * Configure Webpack to split up the JavaScript bundle and lazy load component files * Learn how to use the web Cache API to use your app offline * Audit PWAs with Google’s Lighthouse tool In Detail For years, the speed and power of web apps has lagged behind native applications. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) aim to solve this by bridging the gap between the web apps and native apps, delivering a host of exciting features. Simultaneously, React is fast becoming the go-to solution for building modern web UIs, combining ease of development with performance and capability.
Genre: Computers & Technology > Internet & Social Media


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Download The Digital Battle: Cyber Security by Lida (.ePUB)

The Digital Battle: Cyber Security by Lida
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 347 KB
Overview: Playing A Game…. And Don’t Know the Cyber Security Rules.
Networking in the form of internet, extranet, intranet, and virtual private network (vpn) has opened many doors for businesses. No longer is commerce inhibited by time zones or geographic locations to conduct financial transactions. Cyberspace affords businesses enormous revenue opportunities with reduced associated costs. All that is necessary for customers to make online purchases is internet availability and connectivity, an internet of things (IoT) digital media (i.e. laptop, desktop, tablet, smartphone, etc), and a method of payment (i.e. bank account, credit card debit card, etc). The problem resonates from the protection of your personal identifiable information (PII) during authentication and validation processes.
The Digital Battle: Cyber Security is an attempt to assist consumers by protecting their PII, trade secrets, and critical infrastructure from compromise. To prevent exploitation, consumers need vigilance paired with knowledge. Using strategies of cyber security outlined in the three domains within this book, readers can gain the tools they need to succeed. Be Ready, cover your Defenses, and take the Offensive with Cyber Warfare Tactics.
Genre: Computers & Technology > Networking & Cloud Computing


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