Download Cryptography And Networking Security by R. Achary (.PDF)

Cryptography And Networking Security: An Introduction by R. Achary
Requirements: .PDF reader, 20 MB
Overview: This book is an introduction to fundamental concepts in the fields of cryptography and network security. Because cryptography is highly vulnerable to program errors, a simple testing of the cryptosystem will usually uncover a security vulnerability. In this book the author takes the reader through all of the important design andimplementation details of various cryptographic algorithms and network security protocols to enforce network security. The book is divided into four parts:Cryptography, Security Systems, Network Security Applications, and SystemSecurity. Numerous diagrams and examples throughout the book are used toexplain cryptography and network security concepts.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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Download Power BI DAX Simplified by Reza Rad (.ePUB)

Power BI DAX Simplified: DAX and calculation language of Power BI demystified by practical examples by Reza Rad
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 23 MB
Overview: DAX is the language of data analysis in Microsoft Power BI, Azure Analysis Services, and Excel Power Pivot. DAX is a powerful language that can quickly empower you to analyze year-over-year or rolling 12 months calculations. It is rare to find an analytics solution using Microsoft technologies (especially Power BI) that doesn’t require some calculations to be written by DAX.
As a Power BI (or Microsoft BI) developer, it is essential to learn this language and master it. Learning a language is not just learning the structure and functions. It is learning how, where, and when to use it so that you can solve real-world problems with it.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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Download Power BI MVP Book by Reza Rad (.ePUB)

Power BI MVP Book: A book of tricks and techniques for working with Power BI by Reza Rad
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 16 MB
Overview: This Power BI MVP book is not like a normal book used to learn Power BI. This book is a selection of articles from 21 Power BI MVPs. Each chapter focuses on a particular subject. Topics covered include: AI, architecture, data modeling, data preparation, DAX, enterprise issues and Integration. The book is organized such that, as a reader, you may pick and choose any chapter in any order.This book is written by 21 Power BI MVPs from all around the world.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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Download Google Sheet Functions by Barrie Roberts (.ePUB)

Google Sheet Functions: A step-by-step guide by Barrie Roberts
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 10 MB
Overview: The idea of this book is to show you how to use some of the most useful functions in GOOGLE SHEETS. It starts with the basic ones like SUM and takes you through to more advanced areas like VLOOKUP, IMPORTRANGE, and QUERY.

I feel the best way to learn these is by following examples and in every chapter I will take you through several examples showing you different aspects of the function and various uses of it. The examples start with the basic syntax of the function and build up to more complex formulas, but I explain each step along the way. So, don’t worry, these are much easier than maybe you think!
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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Download Row-Level Security in Power BI by Reza Rad (.ePUB)

Row-Level Security in Power BI: The complete guide of creating different views of the data for the same Power BI report by Reza Rad
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 4 MB
Overview: I have been writing and presenting about Row-Level Security in Power BI for many years. Through the comments and feedback I got from my presentations and articles, I felt a need for a place to have everything gathered in one place. The lack of a book that explains everything about the current subject motivated me to end up gathering all my articles in this book. The result is what you are reading.Row-Level Security in Power BI is not about sharing your content. It is, on the other hand, about sharing the same content with a different audience in the way that they see different views of the data. They will have different access to the data. Some of them might see the entire data, and some others might see part of the data that they are authorized to see.Instead of creating multiple reports with the same format, fields, calculations, and visualizations, and only making them different in filtering, the correct way to do it is through row-level security. This will make sure you have the maximum consistency and minimum maintenance for your Power BI project.This is not a book about theories. This is a hands-on book.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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