Download C# 7.0 by Jen Jennings (.ePUB)

C# 7.0 : The new programming language for the future by Jen Jennings
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 106 KB
Overview: What you’ll learn:
Genre: Computers & Technology > Computer Science


Introduction to C#7.0
– What is C#?
– How to install and run Visual Studio Community 2015?

Data types and Operators
– What are the common data types in C#?
– What are arrays and lists?
– How to format C# strings
– What is a value type vs reference type?
– What are the common C# operators?

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Download Java EE 7 Developer Handbook by Peter A. Pilgrim (.PDF)

Java EE 7 Developer Handbook by Peter A. Pilgrim
Requirements: PDF Reader, 7.2 MB
Overview: Update your knowledge of the Enterprise Java platform through this user-friendly tutorial that’s designed around real-life examples. The pragmatic approach means you’ll be up to speed almost effortlessly. For intermediate users upwards.
Learn about local and remote service endpoints, containers, architecture, synchronous and asynchronous invocations, and remote communications in a concise reference
Understand the architecture of the Java EE platform and then apply the new Java EE 7 enhancements to benefit your own business-critical applications
Learn about integration test development on Java EE with Arquillian Framework and the Gradle build system
Learn about containerless builds featuring the GlassFish 4.0 embedded application server
Master Java EE 7 with this example-based, up-to-date guide with descriptions and explanations
In Detail
The seventh edition of the Enterprise Java platform is aimed at helping Java engineers take advantage of the advancements in HTML5 and web standards. Web Sockets, asynchronous input and output with Servlets, and strong type safety through the CDI containers will ensure that Java EE 7 remains popular for server-side applications.
Genre: Computers & Technology > Programming


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Download Office 365 for IT Pros by Tony Redmond et al (.MOBI)

Office 365 for IT Pros 4th Edition by Tony Redmond, Paul Cunningham, Michael Van Horenbeeck, Ståle Hansen, Vasil Michev (Editor)
Requirements: MOBI Reader, 30.8 MB
Overview: Book updated 13 October 2017. A full log describing all the changes is available at
Master Microsoft Office 365 like a pro. Office 365 for IT Pros, 4th Edition is essential reading if you want to maximize your use of Microsoft’s Office 365 cloud services, and keep your knowledge up to date. This is the only Office 365 book available today that is constantly refreshed and updated with new information. You will receive regular updates that keep pace with developments in Office 365, which means that Office 365 for IT Pros remains a valuable reference for you long after you first read it.
Originally published on June 1, 2017, Office 365 for IT Pros, 4th Edition is refreshed regularly. We continue to add new content to the book to reflect the fast-moving nature of developments within Office 365.
Genre: Non-Fiction> Computers & Technology


The chapters in Office 365 for IT Pros, 4th Edition are:
1.Introduction to Office 365
2.Making the cloud decision
3.Office 365 basic workloads
4.Identities and authentication
5.Managing Office 365
6.Office 365 Clients
7.Migrating to Exchange Online
8.Managing mailboxes
9.Managing mail-enabled objects
10.Email addressing
11.Mail flow
12.Managing hybrid connections
13.Hybrid recipients
14.Working with Office 365 Groups
15.Managing Office 365 Groups
16.Office 365 apps
17.Mobile devices and application management
18.Office 365 data governance
19.eDiscovery and content searches
20.Reporting and auditing
21.Data loss prevention
22.Rights management and Azure Information Protection
23.Delve and Office Graph
24.Office 365 analytics
25.Skype for Business
Get your copy of the most comprehensive, up to date Office 365 book today. According to Kindle, it might take you 30 hours (or more) to read the complete book. That might be true, but those hours will save you so much time in deploying and managing Office 365 that the effort will be well worthwhile!

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Download Mastering OpenStack (2nd Ed.) by Omar Khedher, et al (.ePUB)

Mastering OpenStack, 2nd Edition by Omar Khedher, Chandan Dutta Chowdhury
Requirements: Any ePUB Reader, 11mb
Overview: In this second edition, you will get to grips with the latest features of OpenStack. Starting with an overview of the OpenStack architecture, you’ll see how to adopt the DevOps style of automation while deploying and operating in an OpenStack environment. We’ll show you how to create your own OpenStack private cloud. Then you’ll learn about various hypervisors and container technology supported by OpenStack. You’ll get an understanding about the segregation of compute nodes based on reliability and availability needs. We’ll cover various storage types in OpenStack and advanced networking aspects such as SDN and NFV.
Next, you’ll understand the OpenStack infrastructure from a cloud user point of view. Moving on, you’ll develop troubleshooting skills, and get a comprehensive understanding of services such as high availability and failover in OpenStack. Finally, you will gain experience of running a centralized logging server and monitoring OpenStack services.
The book will show you how to carry out performance tuning based on OpenStack service logs. You will be able to master OpenStack benchmarking and performance tuning. By the end of the book, you’ll be ready to take steps to deploy and manage an OpenStack cloud with the latest open source technologies.
Genre: Non-Fiction> Networking & Cloud Computing


What You Will Learn

Explore the main architecture design of OpenStack components and core-by-core services, and how they work together
Design different high availability scenarios and plan for a no-single-point-of-failure environment
Set up a multinode environment in production using orchestration tools
Boost OpenStack’s performance with advanced configuration
Delve into various hypervisors and container technology supported by OpenStack
Get familiar with deployment methods and discover use cases in a real production environment
Adopt the DevOps style of automation while deploying and operating in an OpenStack environment
Monitor the cloud infrastructure and make decisions on maintenance and performance improvement

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Download Openstack for Architects by Michael Solberg, et al (.ePUB)

Openstack for Architects by Michael Solberg, Ben Silverman
Requirements: Any ePUB Reader, 4mb
Overview: Over the last 5 years, hundreds of organizations have successfully implemented Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) platforms based on OpenStack. The huge amount of investment from these organizations, industry giants such as IBM and HP, as well as open source leaders such as Red Hat have led analysts to label OpenStack as the most important open source technology since the Linux operating system. Because of its ambitious scope, OpenStack is a complex and fast-evolving open source project that requires a diverse skill-set to design and implement it.
This guide leads you through each of the major decision points that you’ll face while architecting an OpenStack private cloud for your organization. At each point, we offer you advice based on the experience we’ve gained from designing and leading successful OpenStack projects in a wide range of industries. Each chapter also includes lab material that gives you a chance to install and configure the technologies used to build production-quality OpenStack clouds. Most importantly, we focus on ensuring that your OpenStack project meets the needs of your organization, which will guarantee a successful roll-out.
Genre: Non-Fiction> Programming


What You Will Learn:

Familiarize yourself with the components of OpenStack
Build an increasingly complex OpenStack lab deployment
Write compelling documentation for the architecture teams within your organization
Apply Agile configuration management techniques to deploy OpenStack
Integrate OpenStack with your organization’s identity management, provisioning, and billing systems
Configure a robust virtual environment for users to interact with
Use enterprise security guidelines for your OpenStack deployment
Create a product roadmap that delivers functionality quickly to the users of your platform

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