Download Mastering Behavior-Driven Developmentby Pinakin A Chaubal (.ePUB)+

Mastering Behavior-Driven Development Using Cucumber: Practice and Implement Page Object Design Pattern, Test Suites in Cucumber, POM TestNG … and work with Selenium Grid by Pinakin A Chaubal
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF reader, 6 MB
Overview: In this book, readers will learn everything they need to know about Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) and a framework used for automation testing for BDD.

The book is divided into three sections. The first section covers the building blocks of Cucumber such as Feature files, Step Definition classes, and Runner classes, among other things. These will serve as the building blocks for becoming more familiar with Cucumber.

The second section covers the Page Object design pattern and Page Factories, both of which are useful in developing robust frameworks.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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Download Python from the Very Beginning by John Whitington (.ePUB)+

Python from the Very Beginning: With 100 exercises and answers by John Whitington
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF reader, 12 MB
Overview: In Python from the Very Beginning John Whitington takes a no-prerequisites approach to teaching a modern general-purpose programming language. Each small, self-contained chapter introduces a new topic, building until the reader can write quite substantial programs. There are plenty of questions and, crucially, worked answers and hints.

Python from the Very Beginning will appeal both to new programmers, and to experienced programmers eager to explore a new language. It is suitable both for formal use within an undergraduate or graduate curriculum, and for the interested amateur.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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Download Python Machine Learning by Brady Ellison (.ePUB)+

Python Machine Learning: A Step by Step Beginner’s Guide to Learn Machine Learning Using Python by Brady Ellison
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF reader, 3 MB
Overview: Ready to discover the Machine Learning world?

Machine learning paves the path into the future and it’s powered by Python. All industries can benefit from machine learning and artificial intelligence whether we’re talking about private businesses, healthcare, infrastructure, banking, or social media. What exactly does it do for us and what does a machine learning specialist do?

Machine learning professionals create and implement special algorithms that can learn from existing data to make an accurate prediction on new never before seen data.

Python Machine Learning presents you a step-by-step guide on how to create machine learning models that lead to valuable results. The book focuses on machine learning theory as much as practical examples. You will learn how to analyse data, use visualization methods, implement regression and classification models, and how to harness the power of neural networks.

By purchasing this book, your machine learning journey becomes a lot easier. While a minimal level of Python programming is recommended, the algorithms and techniques are explained in such a way that you don’t need to be intimidated by mathematics.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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Download Building Websites with Django by Awanish Ranjan (.ePUB)+

Building Websites with Django: Build and Deploy Professional Websites with Python Programming and the Django Framework (English Edition) by Awanish Ranjan
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF reader, 14 MB
Overview: ‘Building Websites with Django’ book teaches readers to develop their high-quality, feature-rich website by learning Django and its various tools. You will learn the best techniques to develop a dynamic website, right from scratch. This book focuses not only on just creating a particular application but rather develops a strong understanding of theoretical concepts with rich examples. You will learn to troubleshoot errors, develop navigation panels and add advanced functionalities like deploying on heroku server. You will read about models, templates, different types of views. You will learn to create apps and learn how to integrate different apps.

By the end of this book, You will create a project from scratch and will deploy it as a public website by yourself.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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Download Computer Graphics in Python by Martin McBride (.ePUB)+

Computer Graphics in Python: Advanced vector graphics using Pycairo and Python by Martin McBride
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF reader, 8 MB
Overview: The Pycairo library is a Python graphics library. This book covers the library in detail, with lots of practical code examples.

PyCairo is an efficient, fully featured, high quality graphics library, with similar drawing capabilities to other vector libraries and languages such as SVG, PDF, HTML canvas and Java graphics.

Typical use cases include: standalone Python scripts to create an image, chart, or diagram; server side image creation for the web (for example a graph of share prices that updates hourly); desktop applications, particularly those that involve interactive images or diagrams.

The power of Pycairo, with the expressiveness of Python, is also a great combination for making procedural images such as mathematical illustrations and generative art. It is also quite simple to generate image sequences that can be converted to video or animated gifs.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices


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