Download 100 Headlines That Changed the World by James Maloney(.MOBI)

100 Headlines That Changed the World by James Maloney
Requirements: MOBI Reader, 449 KB
Overview: Here are the incredible newspaper headlines that document history’s most important moments—headlines so momentous that anyone reading them knew that the world as they knew it had been changed irrevocably. Headlines That Changed the World looks at stories from the Great Western Crosses the Atlantic in 1838 and Abraham Lincoln Assassinated in 1865, through Wall Street Crashes in 1929 and Hitler Sweeps to Power in 1933, to King Elvis Dead in 1977, Obama Wins Presidency in 2008, and Bin Laden Shot Dead in 2011. Headlines That Changed the World is an ideal book to dip into and discover newspaper headlines that shaped our past. Whether it was news of the Kennedy assassination or the fact that man had finally made it to the moon, these headlines and the history behind them will fascinate history buffs and casual readers alike.
Genre: Non Fiction, History


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Download American Steamboat Race by Benton Rain Patterson (.ePUB)

The Great American Steamboat Race: The Natchez and the Robert E. Lee and the Climax of an Era by Benton Rain Patterson
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 1.1 MB
Overview: Running from New Orleans to St. Louis in the summer of 1870, the race between the Robert E. Lee and the Natchez remains the world’s most famous steamboat race. This book tells the story of the dramatic contest, which was won by the stripped-down, cargoless Robert E. Lee after three days, 18 hours, and 14 minutes of steaming through day, night and fog. The Natchez finished the race only hours later, having been delayed by carrying her normal load and tying up overnight because of the intense fog. Providing details on not only the race narrative but also on the boats themselves, the book gives an intimate look at the majestic vessels that conquered the country’s greatest waterway and defined the bravado of 19th-century America.
Genre: Non Fiction, Technology History


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Download Protest at Selma by David J. Garrow (.MOBI)

Protest at Selma: Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 by David J. Garrow
Requirements: MOBI Reader, 1.6 MB
Overview: Vivid descriptions of violence and courageous acts fill David Garrow’s account of the momentous 1965 protest at Selma, Alabama, in which the author illuminates the role of Martin Luther King Jr. in organizing the demonstrations that led to the landmark Voting Rights Act of 1965. Beyond a mere narration of events, Garrow provides an in-depth look at the political strategy of King and of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. He explains how King’s awareness of media coverage of the protests especially reports of white violence against peaceful African American protestors would elicit sympathy for the cause and lead to dramatic legislative change. Garrow’s analysis of these tactics and of the news reports surrounding these events provides a deeper understanding of how civil rights activists utilized a nonviolent approach to achieve success in the face of great opposition and ultimately effected monumental political change.
Genre: Non Fiction, History


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Download Fair Mile Hospital by Ian Wheeler (.ePUB)

Fair Mile Hospital: A Victorian Asylum by Ian Wheeler
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 14.6 MB
Overview: Fair Mile was more than just a psychiatric hospital; it was an example of a nationwide network of ‘pauper lunatic asylums’, born of responsible Victorian legislation and compassion for the disadvantaged. It was a secure home to many of its patients and staff, and the community within its walls became an integral part of Cholsey, touching almost every household in the area. Drawing on county records, first-hand accounts and archive photographs, Fair Mile Hospital describes the ethos of the Victorian asylum builders and the development of the facility that treated thousands of patients over four generations. Relating changes in practice and personnel, and the difficulties of two world wars, this is a unique account of a hospital that did its utmost for those in its care.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Medical Sciences; Historical


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Download Find, Fix, Finish by Aki Peritz, Eric Rosenbach (.ePUB)

Find, Fix, Finish: Inside the Counterterrorism Campaigns that Killed bin Laden and Devastated Al Qaeda by Aki Peritz, Eric Rosenbach
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 490 KB
Overview: On 9/11 the U.S. had effectively no counterterrorism doctrine. Fast forward ten years: Osama bin Laden is dead; al Qaeda is organizationally ruined and pinned in the tribal areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan; there has been no major attack on American soil; and while there has been at least one instance of a massive planned attack, it was crushed by the greatest international collaboration of intelligence services seen since the end of the Cold War. Its been a remarkable transformation. Aki Peritz and Eric Rosenbach have experienced first-hand the monumental strategy changes in our countrys counterterrorism strategy within the intelligence, defense, and political communities. In this book, they show how America learned to be very good at taking on the terrorists, often one at a time, in ever more lethally incisive operations. They offer new details behind some headlines from the last decade. They are frank about the mistakes that have been made. And they explain how a concept coined by General Grant during the Civil War has been reinvented in the age of satellite technology to manage a globally distributed foe, allowing the U.S. to find, fix, and finish its enemies.
Genre: Non Fiction, War


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