Download Chaos & Caliphate by Patrick Cockburn (.ePUB)

Chaos & Caliphate: Jihadis and the West in the Struggle for the Middle East by Patrick Cockburn
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 644,9 kB
Overview: From 2001 to the present day, Patrick Cockburn’s reporting from the conflicts that have roiled the Middle East and beyond has been peerless. Filing stories untrammeled by preconceptions but drawing on extensive first-hand experience of the region and a deep knowledge of its history, Cockburn’s ability to make the correct call in the midst of often complex crises has been remarkable in its consistency.
Genre: Nonfiction > History > Middle East


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Download History of Christianity Vol.7 by Stewart J. Brown (.PDF)

The Cambridge History of Christianity, Volume 7: Enlightenment, Reawakening and Revolution, 1660-1815 by Stewart J. Brown & Timothy Tackett
Requirements: PDF Reader, 5.4 mb
Overview: During the tumultuous period of world history from 1660 to 1815, three complex movements combined to bring a fundamental cultural reorientation to Europe and North America, and ultimately to the wider world. The Enlightenment transformed views of nature and of the human capacity to master nature. The religious reawakenings brought a revival of heart-felt, experiential Christianity. Finally revolution, the political and social upheavals of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, challenged established ideas of divine-right monarchies and divinely ordained social hierarchies, and promoted more democratic government, notions of human rights and religious toleration. A new religious climate emerged, in which people were more likely to look to their own feelings and experiences for the basis of their faith. During this same period, Christianity spread widely around the world as a result of colonialism and missions, and responded in diverse ways to its encounters with other cultures and religious traditions.
Genre: Nonfiction, History


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Download University City, Missouri by John A. Wright (.ePUB)

University City, Missouri by John A. Wright
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 48 MB
Overview: In 1904, from a plot of land that would soon become University City, eccentric publisher Edwin Gardner Lewis shone the beam of what he claimed was the world’s largest searchlight over the World’s Fair in nearby St. Louis. Several years later, he claimed an even greater possession: a city, created around his publishing complex, complete with his own mayoral office, wide boulevards, and beautiful residences. The story of University City is one of urban wonder: from the city’s "Hilltop Neighbor" and namesake, Washington University, to the diversity showcased in today’s University City. The historic images in this volume illustrate the area’s founding and development, from the largest printing press of the time, capable of producing 300,000 eight-page newspapers an hour, to the lion sculptures at the city’s famed "Gates of Opportunity," standing proud as the city’s everlasting symbol.
Genre: Non Fiction, History


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Download The Thugs of Europe by Albert Norden (.ePUB)

The Thugs of Europe: The Truth About the German People and its Rulers by Albert Norden
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 155 KB
Overview: Albert Norden exposes the extensive role German Industrialists played in the Foreign Policy of Nazi Germany and the enormous profits the reaped as a result.
Genre: Non Fiction, History


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Download Terezin Diary of Gonda Redlich by Saul S. Friedman (.ePUB)

The Terezin Diary of Gonda Redlich by Saul S. Friedman, Laurence Kutler (Translator), Nora Levin (Foreword)
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 1.9 MB
Overview: In 1941, the fortress city of Terezin, outside Prague, was ostensibly converted into model ghetto, where Jews could temporarily reside before being sent to a more permanent settlement. In reality it was a way station to Auschwitz. When young Gonda Redlich was deported to Terezin in December of 1941, the elders selected him to be in charge of the youth welfare department. He kept a diary during his imprisonment, chronicling the fear and desperation of life in the ghetto, the attempts people made to create a cultural and social life, and the disease, death, rumors, and hopes that were part of daily existence. Before his own deportation to Auschwitz, with his wife and son, in 1944, he concealed his diary in an attic, where it remained until discovered by Czech workers in 1967
Genre: Non Fiction, History


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