Download The Sugar Fix by Richard Johnson, Tim Gower (.ePUB)

The Sugar Fix: The High-Fructose Fallout That Is Making You Fat and Sick by Richard Johnson, Tim Gower
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3 MB
Overview: In The Sugar Fix, Dr. Richard Johnson, who oversees a pioneering research program, reports on discoveries about how fructose impacts the body—and directly connects the American obesity epidemic to a frightening escalation in our fructose consumption.

It comes as no surprise that the sugar is found in processed foods like candy, baked goods, canned foods, and frozen meals in the form of high-fructose corn syrup, but it is also hidden in less obvious foods like peanut butter, egg products, and soups. Many fruits and vegetables contain high levels of it naturally. Dr. Johnson shows how to cut way back on the sweetener by making effective substitutions. The daily meal plans included here contain no more than 25 grams of fructose, one-quarter of the amount the average American now ingests.

Rather than the low-carb approach of so many recent diets, Dr. Johnson recommends a much easier to enjoy and stick to formula: 50% carbs, 25% fat, and 25% protein. The immediate benefit of this diet is to help anyone shed excess weight. The additional benefits are even more impressive—reduced risk for such serious health problems as high blood pressure, elevated blood fats, and insulin resistance, conditions directly linked to heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, and stroke.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help


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Download Acupressure In Daily Life by Dr. Savitri Ramaiah (.ePUB)

Acupressure In Daily Life by Dr. Savitri Ramaiah
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3 MB
Overview: Alternative therapies are becoming increasingly popular the world over. The toxic effects of medication and the sheer expense of conventional modes of treatment of diseases have prompted people to turn to natural and time tested healing methods.

Acupressure is a system of healing that originated in the East. It is based on the theory that the body possesses remarkable forces of energy that can be used to cure itself. Acupressure focuses on stimulating specific reflex points in the body in order to provide relief from pain or other symptoms.

This book explains in a simple, easy to follow language the basic techniques of acupressure that can be used to treat several disorders and restore physical fitness.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help


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Download The Salt Fix by James DiNicolantonio (.ePUB)

The Salt Fix: Why the Experts Got It All Wrong—and How Eating More Might Save Your Life by James DiNicolantonio
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 8.2 MB
Overview: We all know the dangers of sugar and salt: but the danger attributed to the second white crystal has more to do with getting too little of it, not too much. A leading cardiovascular research scientist and doctor of pharmacy overturns conventional thinking about salt and explores instead the little-understood importance of it, the health dangers of having too little, and how salt can actually help you improve sports performance, crush sugar cravings, and stave off common chronic illnesses.

Too little salt in the diet can shift the body into semi-starvation mode and cause insulin resistance, and may even cause you to absorb twice as much fat for every gram you consume. Too little salt in certain populations can actually increase blood pressure, as well as resting heart rate. We need salt in order to hydrate and nourish our cells, transmit nerve signals, contract our muscles, ensure proper digestion and breathing, and maintain proper heart function. The Salt Fix will show how we wrongly demonized this essential micronutrient as well as explain what the current science really says about this misunderstood mineral and how to maximize its effect so you can enjoy ideal health and longevity.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help


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Download Your Personality and You Workbook by Yael H Dubin (.ePUB)

Your Personality and You Workbook: Exercises to Better Understand Yourself and Who You Want to Be by Yael H Dubin
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1mb
Overview: Learn, grow, change
Discover your own amazing potential and explore how you can grow into your best self. Filled with introspective exercises, this personal growth book will help you become the person you want to be, with better relationships and a more positive sense of your future. From setting goals you’re passionate about to practicing self-love, you’ll find the tools you need to make meaningful changes.

• Deepen your self-knowledge—Exercises draw from popular personality theories and contribute to the personality changes you’re working toward.
• Embrace new perspectives of yourself—Learn ways to move past the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back with effective strategies like creating positive affirmations and overcoming the fear of appearing judgemental.
• Find additional support—Complete this workbook on its own or alongside the Your Personality and You Journal for further guidance.
Become the best version of yourself with the Your Personality and You Workbook.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Self-help


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Download Unashamed by Christine Caine (.ePUB)

Unashamed: Drop the Baggage, Pick up Your Freedom, Fulfill Your Destiny by Christine Caine
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3 MB
Overview: Shame can take on many forms. It hides in the shadows of the most successful, confident and high-achieving woman who struggles with balancing her work and children, as well as in the heart of the broken, abused and downtrodden woman who has been told that she will never amount to anything. Shame hides in plain sight and can hold us back in ways we do not realize. But Christine Caine wants readers to know something: we can all be free.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help


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