Download Did God Have a Wife? by William G. Dever (.ePUB)

Did God Have a Wife?: Archaeology and Folk Religion in Ancient Israel by William G. Dever
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 6 MB
Overview: In this masterful commentary, respected biblical scholar Bruce Waltke carefully interprets the message of the prophet Micah, building a bridge between Micah’s ancient world and our life today.

Waltke’s Commentary on Micah quickly distinguishes itself from other commentaries on this book by displaying an unprecedented exegetical thoroughness, an expert understanding of historical context, and a keen interest in illuminating the contribution of Micah to Christian theology. Tackling hard questions about date and authorship, Waltke contends that Micah himself wrote and edited the nineteen sermons comprising the book. Waltke’s clear analytical outline leads readers through the three cycles of Micah, each beginning with an oracle of doom and ending with an oracle of hope, decisively showing that hope wins over doom.

Learned yet amazingly accessible, combining scholarly erudition with passion for Micah’s contemporary relevance, this book will well serve teachers, pastors, and students alike.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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Download Ethics: The Key Thinkers, 2nd Edition by Tom Angier (.PDF)

Ethics: The Key Thinkers, 2nd Edition by Tom Angier
Requirements: .PDF reader, 1.6 MB
Overview: Ethics: The Key Thinkers introduces the individuals who have wrestled with core moral questions and shaped how we understand ethics today, from what constitutes a good life to arguments about what is right and wrong.

Chapters are organised chronologically and cover figures from a wide range of traditions in ancient, modern and contemporary philosophy, explaining exactly how a particular individual has changed the development of ethical theory as a whole. Alongside chapters on Plato, Aristotle, Marx and Nietzsche, this fully updated 2nd edition now provides:

· A global approach to the history of ethics, featuring new chapters on Confucian, Buddhist and African thinkers

· Further reading guides to the latest writing on each thinker

· A conclusion that looks ahead to new directions in contemporary ethical theory

For anyone looking to better understand the ideas, people and debates behind one of philosophy’s most important subjects, Ethics: The Key Thinkers is the ideal starting point.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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Download Statistics Playbook by Gary Sutton (.PDF)

Statistics Playbook (MEAP) by Gary Sutton
Requirements: .PDF reader, 11.21 MB
Overview: Learn statistics by analyzing professional basketball data! In this action-packed book, you’ll build your skills in exploratory data analysis by digging into the fascinating world of NBA games and player stats using the R language.

Statistics Playbook upgrades your R data science skills by taking on practical analysis challenges based on NBA game and player data. Is losing games on purpose a rational strategy? Which hustle statistics have an impact on wins and losses?

Each chapter in this one-of-a-kind guide uses new data science techniques to reveal interesting insights like these. And just like in the real world, you’ll get no clean pre-packaged datasets in Statistics Playbook . You’ll take on the challenge of wrangling messy data to drill on the skills that will make you the star player on any data team.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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Download Strictly English by Simon Heffer (.ePUB)(.AZW3)

Strictly English: The Correct Way to Write And Why It Matters by Simon Heffer
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 981 KB
Overview: Simon Heffer’s incisive and amusingly despairing emails to colleagues at the Telegraph about grammatical mistakes and stylistic slips have attracted a growing band of ardent fans over recent years.

Now, he makes an impassioned case for correct English and offers practical advice on how to avoid the solecisms and mangled sentences that increasingly pepper everyday speech and writing. If you have ever been guilty of writing “different than,” if you have ever tortured the language by saying “Thank you for asking my friend and I,” if you have ever confused “imply” and “infer,” then this book will prove essential reading.

It will also reassuringly show you that accuracy and clarity need not be the preserve of an elite—they are within the grasp of anyone who is prepared to take the time to master a few simple rules.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational > Language > Writing > Humour


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Download Nightmareland by Lex Lonehood Nover (.ePUB)(.AZW3)

Nightmareland: Travels at the Borders of Sleep, Dreams, & Wakefulness by Lex Lonehood Nover
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 4.52 MB
Overview: From a Coast to Coast AM insider, a mind-expanding exploration of sleep disorders and unusual dream states–the scientific explanations and the paranormal possibilities.

The sleeping mind is a mysterious backdrop that science is just beginning to shed light on. It was only some sixty years ago that researchers discovered REM, the rapid-eye-movement cycle that’s associated with dreams. In Nightmareland, Lex “Lonehood” Nover travels into the eerie borderlands where the unconscious, dreams, and strange entities intermingle under the cover of night, revealing wider and hidden aspects of ourselves, from the savage and frightening to the astounding and sublime.

Encompassing accepted medical phenomena such as sleep paralysis, parasomnias, and Ambien “zombies,” and the true-crime casebook of those who kill while sleepwalking, to supernatural elements such as the incubus, alien abduction, and psychic attacks, Nover brings readers on an extraordinary journey through history, folklore, and science, to help us understand what happens when we sleep.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational > Science > Psychology > Dreams > Phenomena


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