Download Steal the Stars by Mac Rogers, Nat Cassidy (.ePUB)

Steal the Stars by Mac Rogers, Nat Cassidy
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 5.0MB | Retail
Overview: Steal the Stars, a debut novel by Nat Cassidy, is based on the debut science fiction podcast from Tor Labs.

Dakota "Dak" Prentiss guards the biggest secret in the world.

They call it "Moss." It’s your standard grey alien from innumerable abduction stories. It still sits at the controls of the spaceship it crash-landed eleven years ago. A secret military base was built around the crash site to study both Moss and the dangerous technology it brought to Earth. The day Matt Salem joins her security team, Dak’s whole world changes.

It’s love at first sight—which is a problem, since they both signed ironclad contracts vowing not to fraternize with other military personnel. If they run, they’ll be hunted for what they know. Dak and Matt have only way to be together: do the impossible. Steal Moss and sell the secret of its existence. And they can’t afford a single mistake.
Genre: Fiction | Sci-fi/Fantasy


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Download The Meadowlark Sings by Helen Ruth Schwartz (.ePUB)

The Meadowlark Sings by Helen Ruth Schwartz
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 217 KB
Overview: "A strong America . . . A STRAIGHT America" ???
The year is 2008, and the great earthquake that had been predicted for decades hit California. Approximately 40 miles east of the coastline, the earthquake created a chasm that quickly filled with the raging waters from the Pacific. A piece of land that was once the west coast of California was now separated from the mainland of the United States by the newly formed body of water. An island had been born. America’s right-wing elite formed a plan: the newly created island would be a modern gulag a place to which sexual undesirables would be shipped, never (they hoped) to be heard from again. There would be no relationship between the new island and the United States; such was the strength of the "righteous" fear of homosexuality. By 2112, the religious right has affected an awful change in America’s moral climate. The United States has become a place where any gay or lesbian adult is given a clear choice: conform to new, viciously repressive sexuality laws, or exile. And for the youngest citizens, there is no choice. Any child found to carry the newly discovered and much-feared "gay gene" in his or her DNA is put on a ship before reaching three years of age banished, forever, from US shores.
Genre: Science Fiction


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Download So Dead, My Love by Patty G. Henderson (.ePUB)

So Dead, My Love by Patty G. Henderson (The Karnov Trilogy #1)
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 223 KB
Overview: Would you believe that in an arcane book of vampire lore, a savior among vampires was promised that would die, rise again and bring salvation to all the undead? In this First book of The Karnov Trilogy, you’re introduced to the Karnov Family, a powerful Clan of vampires still living on Earth, and to Samantha Barnes, an unhappy artist whose obsession with Lara Karnov brings the vampire back to life. Falling under the spell of the charismatic vampire, Samantha is thrust into a world of blood and murder. Unknown to Samantha, Lara Karnov is part of an ancient prophecy, feared and adored by the Karnov Clan. Samantha must confront her darkest fears and innermost desires as she races to save those she loves and tries to prevent the unleashing of the dark prophecy.
Genre: Fiction, Fantasy, Paranormal


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Download Dead Silence by K.G. Reuss (.ePUB)

Dead Silence by K.G. Reuss (The Everlasting Chronicles Book 1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 228 KB
Overview: I’m Everly, and I see dead people.
The dead are supposed to be silent. Supposed to be resting in peace. But they aren’t. They’re vicious and loud. They aren’t resting. I know because I hear them. They steal my peace from me. The constant chatter drives me crazy. They’re the stuff nightmares are made of. I’m living a walking horror movie. They’ve haunted me since I was a little girl. Every attempt at finding peace and quiet is thwarted. They want something from me.
Then there’s Shadow. He’s been with me for as long as I can remember. A formidable, powerful being that incites fear all on his own. But he’s my protector, slaying the demons that get too close and saving me from whatever seeks to harm me, even myself. He wants something from me too.
Those in the know say I’m special, a Special to be more exact. All I want is to be a normal girl, concerned with boys and clothes and having fun. Why can’t the dead be silent for a change?
My fear and destiny collide to bring me to the doorstep of a place I never dreamed possible. I won’t be alone. He’ll be there. Shadow. And so will they. The dead.
Because I’m never alone.
**Reader discretion advised due to dark subject matter.**
Genre: Sci Fi/Fantasy


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Download The Undertaking by S.P. Oldham (.AZW3)(.ePUB)

The Undertaking by S.P. Oldham (Sleep, Think, Die #2)
Requirements: AZW3 or ePUB Reader, 653 Kb
Overview: For Lavender Gin and Carson, life has changed beyond all recognition. Determined to keep a promise made to an old friend, they have formed a new group of allies and are reduced to hunting down zombies and Thinkers alike in rat-infested sewers, armed only with whatever makeshift weapons they can lay their hands on. Things are already tough enough. When Carson goes missing, Lavender finds she not only faces the possibility of carrying on without him, but that she is also caught up in a head-to-head challenge for leadership. As if all of this was not enough, a twisted brand of evil watches them from the shadows, leaving a trail of calling-card corpses in its wake. Slowly, Lavender realises she is also faced with another enemy; one she can neither see nor fight, but which threatens to take away completely all that she now holds dear. Will she and Carson ever be reunited and if they are, is it anyway too late to matter?
Genre: Horror | Dystopian | Zombie Apocalypse


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Sleep, Think, Die (Book 1):