Download Rage & Fury by Darryl Hadfield (.ePUB)

Rage & Fury by Darryl Hadfield
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 493 KB
Overview: Most of the people in our gang fit into one of three categories. 
The strong-arm fighter types were the ones who guarded our sh*t and who fought other gangs who came to take it (or, hey, the ones who went to take shit from other gangs). They were the ones who usually got the best clothes, shoes, food, and weapons, and… other things.
The scroungers were the next group – the ones who went out and looked for stuff and brought it back to the rest of the gang.  That was me.  We got enough of clothes, shoes, food, etc…  to survive but it wasn’t much.  This is where yours truly fit in, at least early on.  We got what was left after the other groups were taken care of.  That always seemed weird to me, because we were the ones who did the bulk of the work that kept the rest of the gang alive –sure, we weren’t the ones who had to do the fighting or defending, but geez, our gang stole practically nothing compared to how much the scroungers found and collected.
The third group was, well, I didn’t really understand it at the time, but now I’d call them “Morale builders.”  The women who were there for the pleasure of the leader and the fighters.  These would normally also get to slack off, have a relatively easy life, although they sometimes got pushed out to scrounge with the rest of us.  This is where mom fit in, although I didn’t really realize it at the time.

Abused, taken advantage of, ignored, and neglected.. If you get pushed down hard enough, you’ll live up to the expectations of those who expect nothing of you. Fueled by an intense desire for more, with a will to overcome those expectations of failure, James begins a journey that most can’t even begin to comprehend – much less rival. Facing those expectations of failure comes with a personal cost – one that he isn’t sure he’s able to pay. How far will Rage & Fury take him?
Genre: Science Fiction > Dystopian | Post-Apocalyptic


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Download Remnant: The Clans of Arcadia by Arwen Chandler (.ePUB)

Remnant: The Clans of Arcadia by Arwen Chandler
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 274 KB
Overview: Yesterday, Karn Elohite had it all. Today he has nothing.

Handpicked by Lorna, the goddess, to champion her cause, Karn is catapulted into a war as old as the gods themselves. Future uncertain, his power growing, Karn must unite Arcadia’s clans with the most unlikely ally imaginable, the daughter of the enemy Maekel clan.

With his warband and his new-found allies, he must learn to control his magic powers and bring back the age of dragon riders to save his people and the woman he loves from Maekel’s thirst for blood.

Will his new-found power be enough to defeat the power of the Maekel?

Or will the Elohite clan be only a memory?

*Originally published as The Collision of Fire and Ice by Arwen Chandler. This book, Remnant, has been extensively rewritten and updated.*
Genre: Fantasy


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Download The Tiger’s Offer by Lila Jean,‎ J.A. Cipriano (.ePUB)

The Tiger’s Offer by Lila Jean,‎ J.A. Cipriano (The Goddess’s Harem Book 1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 351 KB
Overview: When Tina stumbled into that werewolf strip club, she never expected to walk out with the powers of a fertility goddess, but now that she has, well… she made a list.
Step 1: Get a handle on her unruly new magic.
Step 2: Convince the five shifter princes fighting over her that sharing is caring.
Step 3: Experience sex the way only a fertility goddess can
There’s just one more thing.
Step 4: Try not to die when bitchy priestesses come out of the woodwork to take her new magic for themselves.
Genre: Sci Fi/Fantasy


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Download Magic Born by Dyan Chick (.ePUB)

Magic Born by Dyan Chick (Dragon Mage Book 1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 246 KB
Overview: Morgan Drake has spent her entire life in the shadows. A rampaging dragon is about to change all of that forever.
Morgan Drake wants as little to do with the magical community as possible. That’s why she gave up her official Mage roots to work for a Vampire crime lord. She has to make a living though, so she helps her boss uncover valuable magical objects. If she had any other skills, she’d leave the magical community forever and live in the human world, but her fate seems to be straddling both sides.
When an escaped dragon rampages through town, her vampire boss and mentor, Jimmy, is murdered in the chaos that follows. And worse, security footage sets Morgan up to take the fall. Now, she’s going to have to find a way to clear her name and find out the truth. In Realms Gate, the magical city hidden from the human world, the truth has a way of getting people killed, though.
Time’s running out because if she doesn’t clear her name before the Hunters get to her, she’ll lose more than her freedom, she’ll lose her magic as well. And the police from both Realms Gate and the Human world are on her tail. With her only allies being a brand-new vampire and a very old dragon shifter that she just met, the odds are stacked against her. Even if she figures out the truth, the trick will be to survive, and the only sure thing is that nothing will ever be the same. To have any chance at all, she’ll have to come to terms with her past, magic and all.
Genre: Sci Fi/Fantasy


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Download Slayer by J.A. Armitage, J.A. Culican (.ePUB)

Slayer by J.A. Armitage, J.A. Culican (Dragon Tamer Book 1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 305 KB
Overview: Destined to Slay.
In the small homestead of Dronias, young Julianna is a dragon slayer. Like her ancestors before her, she is destined to be one of the Greats – a perfect hunter of the beasts who terrorize her people day and night. On her eighteenth birthday, with Goblin sword in hand, Julianna embarks on her first true hunt, as her family has done for centuries.
But when she finally tracks a dragon, she finds herself unable to deliver the fatal blow . . . and powerless to take her eyes off the young man who now crouches before her, scales gone as beast transforms to boy. Like Julianna, Ash, the dragon-shifter, is equally surprised by Julianna’s hesitancy to kill him.
As war looms over both their nations, Ash and Jules are forced into an unlikely alliance in an attempt to prevent any more bloodshed between their lands. But in a world where danger lurks around every corner, and not everyone is hoping for peace, survival becomes the ultimate battle.
Genre: Sci Fi/Fantasy


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