Download Catching Fire Series by T.N King (.ePUB)

Catching Fire Series by T.N King (2-3)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 411 KB, 391 KB
Overview: T.N King grew up in the heart of Texas, and now resides in the sunny beach of San Diego, California. He’s a football fan, a Netflix binge-watcher, and loves barbecue. A writer of romance, he’s the author of the Catching Fire Series, Chasing Dr.Bedell, The Seduction of Amy, and many more.
Genre: Romance


2. New Rules – Life just couldn’t be better for Ellie White. Having the billionaire mogul by her fingertips, it feels like heaven is getting her life together while having a man like Morgan by her side. Everything has come full circle. Except—for the feeling she keeps getting that something lurks behind her—something dark and evil.
Bringing in billions for Hunt Industries and keeping his girl by his side Morgan Hunt feels as if his future will be what he never dreamed possible. Everything is perfect—except for the feeling that something is wrong with his Ellie. When Morgan returns to New York, the trip brings forth a new set of problems to his life which risks him losing everything he had built, including Ellie.
New Rules takes a dark turn for the two lovebirds as they take step into a hellish nightmare that may cost them everything. Can their relationship survives when an unknown enemy cross the line and threaten their future?

Morgan Hunt is a man who has everything-wealth, good looks, and the love of Ellie White. He almost lost her to darkness and despair, and he almost lost himself. Now, they are side by side, after going through hell and back. He feels more than proud of all that Ellie has accomplished; proud of her strength and her tenacity. The future he envisions with her will be what he’d longed for; a perfect balance, a Perfect Place while their two worlds finally merge as he’d hoped all along. However, a threat looms with the risk of him losing his CEO-ship at Hunt Industries, as he fights to keep his hard earned success. And just when he feels he can make Ellie his in the only way that will truly keep her with him for all time—the merger his father planned lands on his doorstep. As the uglier part of his world tries to destroy all that he and Ellie had hoped for, can he save Ellie once again?

Download Instructions:
2. New Rules

3. Perfect Places

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