Download Catch You If You Fall (Burnouts #2) by Karen Gordon (.ePUB)+

Catch You If You Fall by Karen Gordon (Burnouts #2)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, MOBI Reader, AZW Reader, 1 MB
Overview: I always liked him. We met sophomore year and just hit it off. We lost our virginity together because we knew it would be weird and awkward, so why not do it with a friend. We’d end up together, night after night, seeing who could drive the other insane with want. But we were still just friends, you know, with benefits. Then he dropped the “L” bomb, told me he loved me, and I ran…all the way to New York. I don’t know what he’s doing now, probably already married with a kid on the way. I’m where I thought wanted to be, with all the celebs and debs and money—so much money. But I don’t fit in. I feel pathetic, watching them, longing for what I can’t have. I miss home; the quiet and my friends. I’ve learned a lot since I’ve been here. I’ve learned that I didn’t always like him. I loved him.
Genre: Romance > Contemporary Romance


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