Download Caribbean Women’s Migration by Dorrel L. Green-Briggs (.ePUB)

Caribbean Women’s Migration: Windrush Era Housing Experiences and Aspirations by Dorrel L. Green-Briggs
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 6.5MB
Overview: Caribbean Women’s Migration: Windrush Era Housing Experiences and Aspirations is a qualitative case-study analysis of eight London-based women.
The main purpose of the research was to document the housing histories of each subject over half a century since their arrival and subsequent settlement in the United Kingdom.
The study highlights several themes, including:
the exploration of Caribbean women’s migration literature during the Windrush period (1948–1970);
racial discrimination as it relates to Caribbean housing access;
continued patterns of black and ethnic minority concentration and segregation in inner city metropolitan areas.
Caribbean Windrush women and men have strived to elevate their living standards and have shown resourcefulness in overcoming barriers and achieving their aspirations in acquiring property. They are now represented within the full spectrum of housing tenure.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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