Download Caius by Richard Mann (.MOBI)

Caius by Richard Mann (Dominion First Blood #3)
Requirements: .MOBI reader, 873 KB
Overview: Lucia and Count Cassian – vampires since the dawn of civilisation team up with the ancient hero contained in the book of prophecy.

The nightmares of our hero, SAS Captain "BulletProof Pete" become a reality when he must face his ultimate challenge – only then will he become the warrior he is destined to be.

The leader of the alien cult shock troops steals the ancient book of knowledge so he can gain occult power over mankind and their ancient enemy the nightcrawler vampires. But it contains a secret that could change everything.

Peter, now Caius the demi-god and his lifelong friend Vinnie, are desperate for information about the whereabouts of their kidnapped wives, but then a befriended alien clone reveals vital information, raising their hopes.

The traitor US general is now begining to regret his allegiance to the alien cause as the mothership retreats to a safe distance – He aligns himself with the alien cult leader as they make plans of their own.

Caius and his team prepare for the final assault. Will he find his wife Jennifer and will he find out what he has suspected all along about Lucia the femme fatale vampire and his wife?
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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