Download Buried Secrets by Cosette Snarr (.ePUB)

Buried Secrets by Cosette Snarr
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 357 KB
Overview: Kate Dunham had cared for people her entire life. Widowed at an early age, she poured her heart into raising two children and caring for an aging mother. With her children now grown and her mother having passed, she finds herself at a crossroads. She’s on the brink of making some major decisions–should she sell her house? Change careers? Take a trip around the world? Her plans are shattered by a family secret that unexpectedly comes to life, propelling her into a journey filled with intrigue and deception. Struggling to come to terms with this new secret, but encouraged by her best friend, Lizzie, Kate embarks on a personal quest more life-changing than anything she ever imagined. If she can make it out alive, her life will never be the same.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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