Download Broken Trust by Tanya Jean Russell (.ePUB)

Broken Trust by Tanya Jean Russell
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1.9 MB
Overview: An attack at her sister’s society wedding leaves Elizabeth Worthington on the run. Desperate to find a way to save both her family and their airline she isn’t about to let anything get in her way. Whether it’s a little thing like her own safety or something bigger, like her growing attraction to the compelling stranger she has woken up with.

Chase Maddox is having a really bad day. He has better things to do than hang around babysitting a spoiled heiress who is determined to put herself in harm’s way. The fact that she turns out to be anything but the pampered princess he expected is irrelevant. He has his own personal mission to complete. The price if he succeeds? The destruction of everything Elizabeth holds dear.
Genre: Romance


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